Posts Tagged ‘benin’

African Bases Of Faith Or Cosmology Applicable In Present Age

August 24, 2016

Better Alternative To Faith Based On Messages Of The Prophets Unable To Halt Humankind From Self-destructing.

Explorers, travelers, and later ethnographers, asked any African the wrong questions about their faith or cosmology in the past: they either got irrelevant answers or got misleading answers. For examples, they asked, “What do you call God in your language? Who do you believe is the ruler of the world or universe? Who created the world or universe? Who made you? Who is your divine or spiritual provider?” (Ref. Seligman and Haddon).

Others examined some African attitudes and concluded that Africans were animists. They have animism as doctrine. A dictionary defines animism as doctrine according to which the immaterial soul is the vital principle responsible for every organic development: attribution of conscious life and a discrete indwelling spirit to every material form of reality (as to such objects as plants and stones and to such natural phenomena as thunderstorms and earthquakes): often includes belief in the continued existence of individual disembodied spirits capable of exercising a benignant or malignant influence.

By this conclusion, they entombed the Africans in an alien doctrine. I mean by that they put the true basis of faith or cosmology of the African that was uniquely African out of reach. They also concluded that Africans believe in an absentee God.

The flaw in their investigations has they assumed the African cosmology was a version of their own: they assumed that every culture has a religion and that religion must be based on belief in God (in their idea of God). I also read in those days, that the African believes in a mechanist universe.

For the records, a description of African cosmology, basis of faith, or worldview in any human language that does not include Ogun, Ebo, OSAGBAYE, and AYI is at best incomplete. Otherwise, it is either misleading or wrong outright. The African shares the miraculous puissance and unique magical and spiritual capabilities of Ogun; they are ebo Makers. This distinguishes the African from rest of humankind. (See African The Ebo Maker and In Ebo We Trust ).

Missing Element

The missing element in their investigation was that they interviewed everyone except an Oracle. Most African communities did not have what is called Oboiro in Benin language and called Oracle in English and French, or Orakel in German. Either African communities today do not still have, or they do not understand how to relate to the ones they have. This owes mainly to indoctrination of Judeo-Christian, and Islamic doctrines.

Moreover, the Oboiro stopped to exist among the Edos of Benin after the reign of Ogiso Owodo. This was about 1100 hundred years ago or about six hundred years before the visits by the European interviewers. The Present Oboiro emerged during the reign of Oba Erediauwa. This does not owe to an accident. The Oboiro existed as part of recorded traditions or culture of the Edo race.

Edo Race lived in Igodomigodo now called Edo Kingdom or Kingdom of Great Benin. Ogiso Ere was the first Ogiso. He is the Lawgiver of Edo race. They relied on an Oboiro for spiritual guidance. It was preordained, therefore, that when EREDIAUWA becomes king, there must emerge the Oboiro as a main spiritual adviser.  “Ere-dia-uwa” is an injunction, meaning that ERE should DIA (literarily means “straighten”) UWA meaning you all, or you people of Ere race.

Holy Mounts Origin Of Divine Messages

The present world Civilization is predicated on doctrines; the doctrines derive from inspired Messages. The ideas and spiritual message of their religion have roots in Holy Mounts, such as Mounts Sinai, Arafat, Olympus, and Tibet.

All Holy Mounts, including those in West Africa, on Earth are one. The differences in messages from the powers or puissance emanating from the various Holy Mounts are local languages and interpretations. The Prophets from Adam to the present, who had a background in communities that lived where the Mounts were located, gave the Religions of the Book. Others, for example, the Greeks who lived around Mount Olympus, “where the gods dwell,” gave the world the Olympic Games.

The Africans South of Sahara had not invented alphabets or scripts in which messages could have been developed, recorded, and interpreted.

Africans had no alphabet or its equivalent; hence, no written records. Consequently, no records of miraculous events as are observable on Holy Mounts; these otherwise would have stimulated others to write theology or speculate about them in written form. The Eboiro (Pl of Oboiro) the Oracles could not espouse in writing, inspirations from puissance emanating through the mounts and their beings. Profound messages that could guide the world were nonexistent before now. The world had inherited from them, only fables, myths, legends, traditions, and superstitions. This with the background that Africans were stupid and could not have contemplated transcendent or metaphysical entities or ideas: they could not be contemplative. They had some vague notions as belief in life after death and reincarnation; no notions of Heaven or Hell: heaven was above, beyond the sky. Unfortunately, one can indeed not engage in metaphysics, even in the present era, using a language that evolved in Africa south of the Sahara.

But, amid of all theses or despite them, Africans do have a unifying “whatever” in whom they have implicit or “automatic” faith.

Some Concepts From Edo Race

The Oboiro is ethnic Benin or Edo.

“Worship” of various parts of the body is one concept. You would find altars to the hand (called ikega) in every traditional home. One recurring remark is better illustrated with one of the reports about making sacrifices to own hand at the shrine to the hand. When the ethnographer (re Seligman, an ethnographer who visited Great Benin) insisted on how the hand of the person not on the shrine, could receive the offerings, the informant answered that the real object of the sacrifice was in “the great beyond.”

The head is another example. When someone has a fortune as escaping a fatal accident alive, he or she thanks his or her Head. They propitiate the Head. They have annual IGUE festival, for example, a period when people celebrate a new year by anointing their Heads. (See also “We Thank Our Head.”


We have blogged about Ogun as the determinant or directive cause in world history, heading for the end of present Civilization. Ogun is the power driving terrorism and violent responses. Coalitions of various Governments are devastating Syria and various Cities chronicled in the stories of the Bible and other holy Books. What was once theater of their God or Gods, and their Prophets is now Ogun’s theater or stage (ARUOGUN), or theater of battles or war (ARUOKUO). It is safe to say that Ogun is the WILL of the devastation being done in the birthplaces of Religions of the Book.  In contrast, ours land is theater of OKUN (ARUOKUN). The more profound and particular applicable science or Message to saving the world from ravages of Ogun is planting OSAGBAYE.

Ogun is the Ebo, or Ogun the determinant in the process of transmutation, change, and death. However, the closest African impression or attitude to their inquiry as we now find ought to have been either Ebo or Ogun. However, there are also other equally central concepts in the cosmology of the African that we need to apply under the present world needs. (We mentioned some above.)

There is something you can and should do on your own in these troubled times. Plant your OSAGBAYE. We will show you how to do this in modern times and during intrusion by foreigners. Post your inquiries at The WITNESS SUPPORT COMMUNITY

Remember that you can plant OSAGBAYE anytime. You can plant it many times, each time when you want to communicate with founders of the world or OSAGBAYE. You can plant it when you want to reestablish sequence, order, and peace in your life and your private spiritual world.


Contact us: Post you inquiries at The WITNESS SUPPORT COMMUNITY

LiveAxe Hidden Mystical Powers: 3. Oracle—Path Creator

July 31, 2016

The LiveAxe Does Not Just Find A Path; It Creates One Where There Was None.

Most Africans and their descendants worldwide are confused because they are under a spell or the curse. The curse includes ancestral curse and ISUSU: rage, and confusion or disordered state of mind. They have lost control owing to strife and the rage. Confusion can be imagined as NOISE in the psyche, brain, or mind. It extends to none Africans.

Two things that LiveAxe will help you overcome in life are confusion and rage or madness–ISUSU. Everybody, especially white people in Europe and North America, often remark that blacks bear anger or rage. “They have chips over their shoulders,” they say.

However, the prevalence of physical violence in the world is evidence that rage is not a monopoly of Black people.

Ogun Or God Or Allah

Of all the powers, which of these, rules on Earth, God, Allah, or OGUN?

Africans all over Africa and elsewhere either recognize Ogun or consider it in life. Ethnographers and tourists, who first interviewed the common people in Africa, mistakenly translated Ogun as “god of iron.” Ogun shrine is in every home; its cults are in every community. Most people wear artifacts infused with its power.

Witnesses in Nigerian courts to date swear by Ogun before giving evidence when the witness is neither a Christian nor a Muslim. Judicial authorities recognize that the witness fears Ogun as Christian and Muslims ought to fear God or Allah—they would not lie under such oaths. Ogun is in effect equal to God, Allah, and their equivalents in the lives of people.

We inherit OGUN as ubiquitous EBO, including in our bodies. Governments, various political institutions, cults, and ancestor worshipers rev the Ogun in their members purposefully. Citizens in countries and communities where military training is compulsory, Ogun “rides” most people; the Ogun in them is revved during training, after which the Ogun is not returned to rest. So are the citizens of primitive societies where hunting and intertribal strife is endemic in Africa, and elsewhere in the Western Hemisphere.  They rev the Ogun in them during the frequent war and hunting dances and rituals.

We rely on Ogun of our bodies to control destiny. Either you are in charge of your destiny or someone else is. The success of controlling destiny is possible for those who have the knowledge, craft, wisdom, and sorcery, to apply Ogun.

The LiveAxe as oracle has the power of discovering attempts by others revving their Ogun to attack and destroy you. With wisdom, it predicts on its own, and with Ogun, it engages the enemy. The enemy here either is anyone intending to attack you or is attacking you remotely with witchcraft, juju, mojo, or obeah.

Through its use, you develop the craft to combat sorcery of others such as Gods, Ancestors, priesthood, and clergy. They try uninterruptedly to spin the maze of evil destiny across your path.  Where these enemies might have successfully spun the maze of evil destiny across your path, you create or rediscover your path with the LiveAxe.

Links To Source Of Ogun

The bowel of the earth is a source of OGUN on Earth. Volcanoes express Ogun of the earth. (See image1)

The path to success runs through the maze of several paths of illusions generated by Gods, Ancestors, priesthood, and clergy. These evil spinners of destiny set up the maze of networks IN YOU to confuse you. They manipulate your dreams accordingly. Unless you can overcome, you may lose your senses and be overwhelmed by rage.

Since life is unfolding in this situation of conflict and challenges, no one can achieve most set goals unless they can navigate; hence, LiveAxe as oracle helps you overcome the barrier. With the LiveAxe, you link up with the PUISSANCE that emanates through the Mounts, the Oboiro, and artifacts the Oboiro creates. Such artifacts are imbued with characteristics of the oracle, same as attributes of the Oboiro. The LiveAxe as oracle and your Ogun tool extend your channels to the source of PUISSANCE—might, power, and potency.

As PUISSANCE is of the Mounts, so OGUN is of the earth, and LiveAxe links both.

Before now, confused people under rage, tried to cut through the maze by physical violence, a pathway, or channel. Some massacre people including pregnant and other women, children, and innocent people. Some set off bombs in public places, trains, and airplanes; others crash airplanes into cities or ram vehicles into crowds while committing suicide. These acts are of insane people who lost control. Once under the rage, they would deliver death. They will always devise methods despite prevailing laws. Applying the LiveAxe is an alternative to physical violence on oneself as suicide, or on others.


OSAGBAYE is the spiritual world or world of reality. OSAGBAYE is the world of reality that bears AGENT for transcendent consciousness. Its purpose is to be the foundation for sequences and order, by which people overcome chaos and confusion. OSAGBAYE is ordered world on Earth; while the earth produces Ogun for change and death.

People planted a pole in the mode of communication according to OSAGBAYE. It was a wooden pole with a flag on top and three objects at the base. (See image2) It did not include an altar or shrine for offerings or to sacrifice blood.

Some stupid or confused idolaters tried to sacrifice blood to OSAGBAYE! They slaughtered an animal by cutting and allowing blood to spill on Earth in designated OSAGBAYE zone, represented by the pole. Instantly, OSAGBAYE exterminated them. A curse descended on Shango and their heads. The message was clear—do not desecrate the earth with the blood of a victim in the name of OSAGBAYE. The Idolaters were worshipers of Shango. Shango is not OSAGBAYE.

Their descendants inherited the curse that we know as ISUSU. “Isusu is suffering caused by curses (ancestral or from sacrificed human and other victims), and punishment for violating taboos. ISUSU is a consequence of violating rules and laws barriers, which protect people, society, the world, and the universe. The barriers are spiritual, moral, and divine laws.”

Worshipers of Shango try to get around the taboo of spilling blood in OSAGBAYE zones. They now crucify pigeons on a pole without cutting.  They hang the pigeon by the legs at the top of the pole leaving it to suffer and die! They pretend in their WARPED minds, not be violating the taboo!  These “stupid idiots” have brought ISUSU, the curse of confusion or disordered state of mind, on the race. For their sake, philosophers and others coined an expletive for Africans, namely, “African stupidity.”


Some superstitions evolved over the millennia among confused people out of fear. The fear led to the worship of natural events as thunder and lightning. (Why not do they not worship volcanoes?) People of ethnicity near the Edo Kingdom, the native land of the Oboiro, worship Shango and Amadioha, gods of thunder. Worshipers of Shango also confuse it for OSAGBAYE.

Edo people are not cowed to worship the creation of the priesthood in the name of appeasing Shango, Amadioha, Thunder, and the rest. OSAGBAYE is NOT related at all to weather or its consequences. The link between Shango and OSAGBAYE in minds of idolaters owes to the confusion of their minds. Through OSAGBAYE, no invention by the priesthood, we enjoy order, freedom, peace, protection, and opportunity to lead a prosperous life. Prosperity is incompatible with idolatry, and violence of spilling innocent blood. The world on Earth would have been blissful but for idolaters spilling blood to appease their gods, tribal conflicts, and holy wars.

OGUN is a more appropriate translation of God or Allah. Believers attribute to the God of the Book, actions as fighting wars, devastating nations, and civilizations. If they do, as they say, and not I say, they do it by the power of Ogun. The power of Ogun, and NOT OSAGBAYE, is for transmutation, change, and death. Ogun has no priesthood, no revealed messages, or Messengers. However, it has shrines and self-styled priests. It answers prayers and as we see in the LiveAxe, artifacts can be infused with it.

Breaking The Spell With LiveAxe

People live under the spell of spinners (Gods, Ancestors, priesthood, and clergy) of the evil web of destiny. The spinners manipulate dreams, visions, anguish, mental pain, and torture. This often results in wretchedness, they spend scarce resources to appease spirits or vexatious ancestors

The LiveAxe, and other Ogun bearing means by the Oboiro, stood him in good stead when they tried to block him. He is not like the proverbial physician that cannot heal himself. When all diabolic spiritual and witchcraft attempts failed at blocking the Oboiro, they resulted in physical measures to cow him into submission. They intercepted clients on the way to his Rudrakh Drugless Therapy Centre (Now Oba Erediauwa Center). Their agents, (property developers as he), warned or frightened the people to stay away; thereafter, they came to report to the Oboiro what they had done. His persecution is not only theoretical or owes to suspicion. The same PUISSANCE that emanates through the Holy Mounts and his being also emanates through everything he creates to aid humankind overcome ISUSU, as ancestral curses, confusion, rage. You can overcome also the gods and their agents that perpetuate evils against you.


Read further details about LiveAxe on our website here

Post your requests for price, general information, and advice at The WITNESS SUPPORT COMMUNITY

New Facts You Should Know About Spells Or Ancestral Curses

February 27, 2016


Spells Or Curses Are Life Wires Of Ancestor Worship And Cultism

Idea of “Ancestors” is the standard of Cults of wizards, witches, mortal Gods (deified people), Goddess, vexatious ancestors, witchdoctors, shamans, exorcists, spiritual fraudsters, and voodoo priests or believers (who use e g voodoo dolls). Spells Or Curses are life wires of ancestor worship and cultism. Main sustainers of Ancestor Worship and African Traditional Religion (ATR) are the sustainers of Cultism and ancestral curses. You can take control of your life from them.

Identity Of Ancestral Curses

“Ancestral Curses” as such is a process rather than an event that happened long ago. They go on in our lives as habitual behaviors of perpetual conflicts. These conflicts owe to spells cast at everyone in the society. Everyone either is casting spells at everyone else, or is recovering from effects of psychic attacks. Those who cast spells or the priesthood that aides them help them by raising in people spirit of RAGE, FEAR, and DECEIT (especially self-deceit).

People identify issues arising from spells cast at them as ancestral curses. Oracles, counselors, and priesthood use spells to instill fear, self-deceit, and rage in people.

Spells are acts of aggression. Spells are CURSES. African society is under constant threat of ancestral curses because it is the essence in Sociology Of Ancestor Worship.


People around the world (including Nigeria) are witnessing violence and heinous crimes, terrorism, aberrant behavior (that include sexual perversions such as incest, homosexuality, and sexual abuse of children), civil wars, ethnic cleansing and religious cleansing. Suicide bombing is one indication too. These owe to ancestral curses at some levels.

Cursing As Means For Livelihood Or Revenge

People being cursed or manipulated would feel the need to appease ancestors. This way, they are targets of chief priests, Imams, shamans, babalawos, oracles, Ifa priests, seers, prophets, soothsayers, voodoo priests, and pastors who masquerade as ancestors. They play roles of oracles and counselors; they instill fear, self-deceit, and rage in people. Thus, they renew and perpetuate actions that manifest as ancestral curses for their own benefit.

Brains of descendants today remain as those of the slaves in slave stations made into zombies centuries ago. Time long enough to show recovery from the effects of the potions among descendants. However, symptoms and other evidences remain. Because, new administration of the potions, sacraments, rituals, ancestral curses, and spells cause same brain damage in the new generations.

This shows that human manipulators, who want to project ancestral curses, introduce anew in each generation, the potions to maintain an element in engineering psyche of current generation.

Insanity and other spiritual ailments prevail mostly in cults of passionately religious people, mystics, self-acclaimed witches and wizards, cultists, fetishists, families, spiritualists, Ifa priests, and babalawos. This spills to the larger society.

Related problems are widespread among adults that include people born in homes where cult meetings are held, or they live there (often under the guise of prayer bands or spiritual protection). They suffer from diseases in their vital organs including the brain, heart, liver, ovary, and kidney; other symptoms include insanity (delusion), diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and impotence.

Psychic Attacks May Look Like Ancestral Curses

You can sense the time when you are under attack. Eating in dreams or sexual intercourse in dreams are sure indications. In addition, living out your prayers or wishes in dreams, or being manipulated with delusions of your prayers being fulfilled are also forms of spell attacks. If you, for example, pray to have a husband, and you keep celebrating marriage in your dreams, you will never marry in life. Same model applies to having children or a job.

Counter-attack is the best defense. The enemy who notices your powers and means would try to trick you by misleading you to identify the wrong person as enemy to attack. Impostors of ancestors may take on the image of another person to avoid being correctly identified.

Tempters Lurk At The Gate

When you are unleashing your dormant powers, a spiritual gate or threshold opens. Tempters lurk at that threshold.

Angst or unreasonable FEAR may overcome you as interference of ancestors, when you are unleashing your dormant powers. These “ancestors” are no others than your spiritual counselors, priests, pastors, babalawos, and spiritual aides who project falsehood to deceive you to believing you were mistaking by unleashing the powers to defend you. You may also sense fear when you attack. Angst or unreasoned FEAR may overwhelm you at other times once you resolve to fight. These are always rooted in past mundane initiations. We will coach you to overcome all these and triumph.


You will have access to illimitable powers when your dormant powers are unleashed in our deliverance sessions. By applying the powers, you overcome every spell or curses, ancestral or of modern age.

Culled from Facts You Should Know About Ancestral Curses:


African The Ebo-Maker

February 15, 2016


Absolute Reliance On Ebo Is Unique Distinguishing Attribute Of The African

The African is an enigma to most people, Africans, and non-Africans alike. Some malign them; others think of them as animists, primitives, and people with slave mentality.

I read at college that Africans live by a “mechanistic” model or paradigm of the universe. Ethnographers mean that the African attitude towards life is that you can create personality, psyche, self, soul; that only way it comes into existence. Furthermore, personalities must continuously be manipulated mystically or spiritually to yield what is desired. Soul, spirit, or self is not left or submitted to the authority of some higher powers or beings.

Others describe them as idolaters who could pick up anything like feather, and having said a few words, would start worshiping it.

My fundamental concern as the Oboiro is to raise issue of BY WHOM, and to WHAT PURPOSE about engineering the African soul or psyche. Indeed, the quest includes of all human self or psyche. This should define our quest, to direct the process to yield Spiritual Sovereigns.

Why No African Original

I wondered before why there has not been an African avatar, Prophet, or Savior, despite the age of the African race. This viewed against the backdrop that humankind evolved from Africa. Archeologists found fossils more than thirty million years in eastern Africa.

There is a dispute about what their original God is. The consensus is that African God is an “absentee” God. Ethnographers mean that their God created the universe. After creation, it absented (withdrew) from it leaving the daily administration in the hands of lesser gods.

I have written much on this blog and elsewhere as one trapped/engrossed in the dispute. However, I have now realized that the African is EBO MAKER. His/her being, existence, worldview, attitudes, coping with issues of existence, or existential problems that arise from stigmatization, they control with ebo. Their history is inextricably linked to millennia long slavery. Africa has been the zone on Earth, where various peoples sourced for slaves.

Although the opinions of others apply depending on the context, underlying them is what Africans rely on, as utmost bases for ideas and solutions. EBO is that universal medium or transcendent “raw material” of AYE or universe.

It would be misleading to conclude that EBO is strictly African, such that other races do not rely on it.

“Every important race on Earth specializes in one ability or the other . . . The manufacture of ebo as artifacts is the preserve of Africans south of the Sahara and their descendants worldwide. Control of the world is through Ebo in its varied forms of manifestation and application (for instance, Ebo of Earth, Ebo of Moon, Ebo of the Oceans, and Ebo of bones). Creation, as decreeing in SONGS[1], is part of controlling the world. Control extends through manufactured ebo artifacts (such as staffs, rods, soap, talismans, and staves). (Ebo as spirit of power dwells in the artifacts enlivening them.) If Ebo were to be removed from the universe, Beings (divine and otherwise) would not be able to create.” (ibid p 55-56)

First Cause

AYI is defined by Edo (Benin) people of Southern Nigeria as AYI the creator of Osanobua, God the creator (AYI no yi Osanobua). Universe or AYE is consequence of AYI. AYE exists; AYI is the process. Remove AYI from universe, and everything goes to zero; AYE would cease to exist.

One of the manifestations of AYI, is through universal MEDIUM, spiritual or transcendent raw material, wave, or vibration. Prayers, invocations, and SONGS reflect efforts to create while remaining in control. We contribute activities into the MEDIUM; the combined product undergoes transmutation and results in manifesting what we set out to create. The MEDIUM is called EBO.

Creating extends to creating the psyche through inputs from human and other beings, without which the body would be same as brutes of the wild. Depending on the package/formulary of Ebo (usable EBO), the human body or owner could be zombie, or quasilunatic—a person devoid of modicum of intelligence. A person has zero control over own destiny.

Experts (Obo or Ebo masters) package Ebo as physical ebo including mojo, juju, and talismans. Other examples of ebo in physical form include the Ark of the Covenant, the rod, and the staff of Egyptian Magicians and the Prophets. Spear of Destiny, the staff of Bishops, Pope, and world-religious leaders. Water can be ebo as the lake in which his mother bathed Achilles to render him invincible to sword attacks.

Some of our modern people who manifest aberrant behavior “have no control over their lives individually, because a “black hole” exists in their psyche, heritage, soul, and life as members of humanity. This made them incapable of organizing their lives rationally.” (ibid P 7) The metaphysical black hole in their psyche is owing to construction of their psyche towards becoming zombie, simpleton, or quasilunatic.

Old Testament To Be Replaced

Although various people talk of African Diaspora, we insist on important distinction. “Diaspora” came into use owing to EXODUS of Jewish people. Their Diaspora is mass departure, dispersal, emigration, and flight. Although the Jews moved en masse carrying with them their God and Testament, Africans EXPORTED Africans, after engineering their psyche. Victims were neither in a hurry, nor in fleeing. They were systematically abused and brainwashed over more than four hundred years. They had neither coded testament nor formal treatise on life. Testament to be replaced lies that our ancestors structured psyche in people to yield zombies or quasilunatics.

Essences of framework they followed include,

(a) Controlling in the universe is through Ebo.

(b) Human beings influence control of OSAGBAYE–the spiritual Earth, mystical universe of reality, mysteries, life, and spirituality.

(c) Human psyche is not born; rather people construct or invent them.

(d) Tradition of making psyche is not limited to making people, but extends to flora and fauna, and putting Ebo (anima) into otherwise inanimate things.

(e) All through rituals, create psyche and sustain modified psyche until reengineered. Salvation is in reversing manifold causes, which include the following: change or remove ingredients in potions regularly consumed during initiation and funeral rituals; undo curses inherited as part of slavery, colonialism, and indoctrination into alien religion; make them unleash neglected endowed powers in them; they must be guided to disown powers of late, mortal, and primitive Gods.

The framework we will follow and apply—result of psyche after reengineering will not be of zombies but of Spiritual Sovereigns.

Every human psyche lives by ritual or similar practices, rehearsals in SONGS the founders of OSAGGBAYE sang to start it. Ritual practices of modern Africans follow particular initiation either after birth or in preparation for export. The rituals make people perceive and interpret reality so our civilization deviates from master plan[2] of OSAGBAYE. Our testament is to reverse effects of ritual formulas, to which the priesthood subjected people for millennia, making them into zombies or quasilunatics.

Formulas in PREPARATIONS of slaves for export are roots of the inability of descendants in Africa and destination countries to settle down to nurture a civilization. Various people overlook the consequences of the rituals on descendants of those left in Africa. This ought not to have been, because, the traditions, initiation rituals, and potions of the society where they belonged before enslavement is the same as what the slaves received.

[1] OSA (creators) sang SONGS when they arrived on Earth. SONGS contained spirit (erinmwin) of OSAGBAYE. They sang SONGS on arrival on Earth, to gain sight and insight and to transform into OSAGBAYE. SONGS and primordial language of dwellers of Oke ARUOKUN are one. A true name of everything that exists is its erinmwin. Calling the name brings it into existence. If you sang the true name of anything such as fire, fire would manifest spontaneously. One creates spirits as one chants their names; a corollary of this, is that the spirits may not be existent entities outside your creations.


[2] OSA (creators of world on Earth) held conclave in adjacent universe of ORISA. OSA chose Master plan as framework (erinmwin) of world to be called OSAGBAYE.

Plant Your OSAGBAYE-Take Over Control

January 31, 2016


OSAGBAYE: World Of Freedom Where Essential Things Of Life Are Free

Foxes have holes, birds their nests, descendants of OSA (God?) who started OSAGBAYE (world of reality, life, and spirituality) lay their heads in their respective Osagbaye.

Summarized, OSAGBAYE is world of reality that human beings experience as consciousness. OSAGBAYE is spiritual Earth, world of reality, life without death, and spirituality. It is mystical.

All are equal in Osagbaye: no king or commoner, no rich or poor, no strong or weak, no wise or foolish, no victims or villains, no defeat or victory, no slave or master, no leaders or followers, no priest or laity, no superiority or inferiority, no loss or redemption, no death or resurrection, no higher or lower race, and so forth.

If you took Osagbaye away, you left human beings without idea of mysteries, spirituality, life, and death. They would be like brutes of the wild.

Every experience, revelation, gain, or prosperity costs nothing in Osagbaye.

Revelation of mysteries not astral comes from Osagbaye.


In The Beginning

Founders arrived from another universe to start our world of consciousness. Hence, every race starts her cosmology with the expression, “When they arrived.”

Founders of the world called Osagbaye in to existence; they brought agent in a separate reality (as attribute in ASAGBAYE) for consciousness on Earth. Our earthly biological forebears, brutes at first, like other animals of the wild, gained consciousness through the agency of Osagbaye.

Own Osagbaye is only sufficiency. Money may buy bed, not sleep; money may buy bomb, fighter-bombers, and aircraft carriers, not victory. Money may buy guns, not safety. Technology and wealth may afford people atomic and hydrogen bombs, not security. Money may buy bomb-vests, widows, orphans, and death, not revenge or triumph. Ritual murder may bring riches and wealth, not enduring relief, well-being, and prosperity. Taking over control must be without physical violence or blood. Means you planting own Osagbaye.

OSAGBAYE Was, Is, And Always Will Be

The Oboiro noticed in the 50s as youth, that people planted Osagbaye in front of houses. They planted canes (UWENRHIEN OTAN) with a strip of cloth tied to tip of each, in heaps of sand. Three usual things laid on each heap at the base of canes were (a) coconut (KOKODIA in Igodomigodo language, from which Edo language evolved) (b) Large piece of kaolin or while chalk (ORHUE) and (c) Pumpkin (UMWENKHEN). This standard the ancients bequeathed us and they ought to have been kept unchanged. Because, the objects and associated rites or rituals bore mysteries whose message are revealed to each generation at appropriate era.

When you walked along the streets of Benin City today, you would find amendment. You would find poles planted in mound of sand in front of homes. At top of each is a strip of cloth similar to what he noticed on tip of canes decades ago. At their bases are same three things as at the bases of canes.

Another amendment was idolaters replaced the neutral pole with a statue. The statue was of a soldier or police officer.

According to tradition of operations with Osagbaye, no blood offerings should be associated with OSAGBAYE. But, some idolaters tie legs of pigeons and hang them on the poles. They leave the crucified birds to suffer to death. Killing of anything before or at Osagbaye being a taboo, they try to get round the taboo this way. It remains nevertheless, equivalent of murder with dire consequences called ISSUSU (“ancestral curses”).

Idolaters being victims and agents of Maleficent Order Of Ancestors (MalOrCestors) must indulge in blood sacrifice. Hence, they hang pigeons at top of poles. The pigeons eventually die. Those who tied it there, in their warped mind pretend they have not sacrificed any blood. OSA and the CUSTODIANS are not mocked, for, they know true intentions of the “murderers.”

Villains are not getting away with crucifixion. When the ISUSU follows from their violation of the taboo, however, the priesthood interprets it as owing to anger of ancestors that could be appeased with sacrifices. Priests and clients being unaware, they do not consider true causes of anger of ancestors in this regard.

In exceptional occasions, the priest who might have noticed their transgression keeps the clue as secret from clients; they exploit the situation to their monetary, food, and meat advantages.

Corrupt Practices Associated With Osagbaye

Investigations show that Sango believers corrupted the original practice by joining sacrificing of pigeon. The sacrifice of blood victim on a pole next to mound of Osagbaye is to Sango. They argue that they did not sacrifice the pigeon to Osagbaye. The issue remains that they always associated the crucifixion of the pigeon with celebrations of Osagbaye. You would not find a crucified pigeon on a pole standing alone. This is one compelling source of the so-called ancestral curses, the consequence of which weight the race. You can exempt you from inherited ISUSU, by taking over control of what you practice when planting Osagbaye, from the priesthood and fetishists.

Ancient Mysteries Of Osagbaye

The arrangement of the pole and three objects at its base makes scientific sense in modern era of digital communication. The wooden pole suggests antenna. The objects at its base suggest power pack and communication gadgets. This arrangement suggests that ancients, millennia ago, communicated by exchanging data this way with the source from which starters of Osagbaye arrived.

This may sound farfetched to primitive minds. It makes sense to us who have encountered extraterrestrial beings/forms (ETF). We are in communication with them all the time.

The pole is spiritual antenna for those who know how to use it in various ways. The Oboiro has also divined contemporary ways to plant Osagbaye in our age.

Equality, Power Of Osagbaye

All are equal in Osagbaye: no kings or commoner, no rich or poor, no strong or weak, no wise or foolish, no victims or villains, no leaders or follower, no priests or laity, no higher or lower race, no victor or vanquished, no slave or master, and so forth. This is at the heart of profound peace in Osagbaye. Each person owns own territory of Osagbaye he/she has planted. There is no trespassing. There are no offences, wars, competitions, rage, and seeking vengeance in Osagbaye.

Indeed, we are Oboiro, Accused Witchcraft Children who have IDUNAN. Others are victims of the Beast, Goddess, her Serpents, and sorcerer, so-called IGBAKHUAN of the earth, hostages of the Maleficent Order Of Ancestors (MalOrCestors), victims of sorcery, children-victims of witchcraft, and children-hostages of spiritualists and witchdoctors. We are those burdened in life with initiation ordeals of religion, idolatry, and mysticism. Our only salvation is to take over control from all our tormentors by planting Osagbaye.

We plant Osagbaye in accordance with new revelations of our era, without blood–must be without blood.

Contact us:

  1. We invite you to join our FREE interactive lectures on internet telephone.

Send us your email with request to include you.

  1. You can always seek for solutions to your Deliverance issues by posting your problems about psychic attacks and other spiritual concerns on our ARUOKUN COMMUNITY SUPPORT

You do not have to be a member of ARUOKUN ANCESTRAL COMMUNITY (AAC) to benefit. You may not disclose your true name.

  1. Deliverance Sessions:

We hold sessions with individuals over internet telephone (such as Dingtone or similar applications).

We schedule periods to suit individual client.

Fees: $16.70 (sixteen US Dollars, seventy cents) per week. Payable into online account.

Find other information here


See also Deliverance Sessions at


September 18, 2015
Thor`s Helment-Blog

Image of ALIENS in outer space



As Ebo, he does not need to touch to heal. However, the sun that makes wet clay hard makes hard wax soft.

Healing Or Deliverance Through OBOIRO

We will illustrate our path of deliverance with the following true stories:

One of Oboiro’s uncles died. The Oboiro was among family elders who conferred with the wives and children to plan details of the funeral. Meeting with them extended into the night. Early in the evening, he noticed the senior wife arranging things she wanted to take along to somewhere. He wondered and asked her where she was going, while family elders were gathered for their sake? She answered; she was going to sleep at the church for protection. She had been sleeping in the church for years, because of nightly spiritual attacks.  She knew no peace outside the church! The Oboiro told her not to worry anymore; she should sleep in the house. She obeyed and slept in the house. She never had further nightmares. The Oboiro did not need to pray extra for her, (not through amplifiers, as men and women of God do, neither on top of his voice nor quietly). He did not need to touch her, or lay hand on her head. She was delivered owing to Oboiro’s relationship with transcendent powers of CUSTODIANS and DELIVERERS.

It was not the only occasion that people were healed or delivered owing to his presence. Take the case of Mrs. X. ( Oboiro-to-be studied at University Of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Mrs. X had been admitted to psychiatric ward in the University’s Teaching Hospital.

He called at the hospital and met her asleep. He stood near the bed to look at her closely. Spiritual energy moved to her from body of Oboiro-to-be. Of a sudden, she awoke and became well instantly. She had been under a curse. DELIVERERS interceded owing to his presence and his relationship to her family.

People everywhere who discovered associated benign powers invited Oboiro to their homes, businesses, and other premises. Sorcerers of Goddess, Necromancers, diabolic cultists, witchdoctors, voodoo priests, babalawo, and various spiritualists have set up altars and shrines where they invoke him. They did this as cheats who neither sought his permission nor compensated for it by supporting Oboiro Destiny Control Project (ODCP! Others use the artifacts they bought from us (at AAC) as point of contact to drain spiritual energy and excretions from his body for same purposes.  This mystery is behind people’s insistence on talking to him in person. Many traveled long distances within Nigeria, from Europe, and the Americas. They still seek to talk to him on the phone rather than send emails.

On the other side of Ebo, some people violated the UGR while dealing with him. E g people who hurt The Oboiro gravely are known to commit suicide. Others suffer various ailments for which there is no orthodox therapy. Some die mysteriously in their sleep. Those who cheat him to establish business or create wealth by draining energies or excretions dishonestly from his body in the astral world must perish or die in penury in the mundane world. Such businesses went into ruin. They included learning and healing institutions for any reason. Seek deliverance through DELIVERANCE SESSIONs when storm starts gathering around you. Restore what you damaged, or what you stole.

Deserving people, complete strangers anywhere on Earth, will always enjoy benefits despite physical distance. If you benefit, plow some of your earnings back into Oboiro Destiny Control Project (ODCP). Sponsor publication of Oboiro’s manuscripts or Blog contents in Books. Aid his efforts in cash or kind to facilitate actualization of ODCP.

About contributing funds, we often receive promises from people. These people cheated. They make promises hoping this would cause a relief in their situation. Promises are not sufficient.  Reliefs, if any, are temporary to be followed by worse devastations. People who cheat or steal must perish. This consequence is consistent with UGR as follows: If everyone who benefited supported ODCP, they would be making the world better for everyone. If everyone stole, cheated, and deprived him of needed resources, the Community would be worse off. Hence, Deliverers who he heralds would annihilate them.  Blood sacrifices would not appease them. The guilty HEAD will not be able to substitute others to bear their curse. At ARUOKUN, every HEAD is equal, separate, and liable for own actions and omissions.

Agents of the Goddess who benefit from sufferings of those who become delivered, are constantly waging war of attrition with him. They go to the extent of turning clients away from his facility. They detailed their members to be informing him whenever they did. However, people continue to benefit when he discusses with them during sessions (including on Skype or similar media).

Persecutions Precipitate Disasters, Devastation Leads to Further Persecution

(Vicious circle makes application for deliverance urgent.)

Some people (including children) bear mystical marks the average person does not observe. Agents of the Goddess and Maleficent Order Of Ancestors (MalOrCestors), warlocks, and others of diabolic priesthood do regard these. They single such people out for exploitation and to be cheated. When their schemes fail, they persecute their targets stigmatizing children among them as so-called witchcraft-children. They attempt to extort confessions from them and adults (re inquisitions). They put some through ordeals at the gallows. Others (including children) are buried alive.

To The Oboiro was revealed source of the MARKS. People, including children throughout the world receive their marks from CUSTODIANS of divine Master Plan for a mission. Custodians (OSA, “God”, or extraterrestrial forms—ETF) monitor and supervise “end of the world” procedure. They choose and mark people often while they are children. Such children are endowed with appropriate innate powers. They attach to the bearers links them IDUNAN. Marked people are under their protection and guidance. Custodians would defend them when necessary without prompting.

(Cont’d Part II)


August 16, 2015

Odion-GeneralCase of Queen ESAGHO, Sorceress Of Igodomigodo And Demise Of An African Dynasty


In our quest for deliverance, we need to focus also on goddess of sorcerers. The sorceress has been constant channel of Ancestral curses through the Black Race and Africans to humankind. I want to illustrate with two women characters as examples. One was channel in history. The other is a sorceress who attempted disrupting the installation of Oboiro. (Word OBOIRO is from the ancient Language of Igodomigodo that evolved into Bini/Edo language of today.)

The first Ogiso (King) in West African Kingdom of “Great Benin” was a king on Earth that derived power and authority from heaven. Oboiro and Ogiso arrived together thousands of years ago in what was then Igodomigodo. Igodomigodo is now called Edo or Great Benin in Nigeria.

Ere was the son of the first Ogiso who was called Igodo (re Ọbagodo) (1968, Jacub U. Egharevba, A SHORT HISTORY OF BENIN) Oboiro of today is herald of deliverance from curse mediated by the former sorceress, queen of Owodo.

Oboiro was diviner of Igodomigodo; Ogiso ruled; both characters are inseparable in history.

Ogiso ERE was the first and Lawgiver of Edo race Of Great Benin. One of the Laws was law of KIRIKIVUA for protection of pregnant animals, including human beings. They should not be offered as sacrifice.

Ogiso Owodo turned out to be the last Ogiso owing to the sorcery of Esagho, his favorite queen. She galvanized spiritual powers working to end Ogiso dynasty. Ekaladerhan was the prince and only son of Ogiso Owodo.

First Illustration

Owodo had only one child called Ekaladerhan. No wives in his harem could bear a further child. Ogiso Owodo wanted more sons. Only choice open to him in solving his problem was to consult oboiro.

He sent emissary to oboiro for consultation. Esagho sneaked along with the group of messengers, who went on foot through meandering path in a jungle. The oboiro divined that Owodo should sacrifice Esagho, the favorite queen of the Ogiso, if he would ever have a further son. Esagho eavesdropped on the conversation.

Esagho subsequently exposed her nakedness to the messengers. Penalty for seeing the nakedness of a queen was death of all male and female relatives of the culprit. Esagho used this to blackmail them, persuading them to alter the message.

They delivered a false message, namely, that Owodo should sacrifice Ekaladerhan, his only son (instead of Esagho). He attempted to comply and instructed the messengers to go execute Ekaladerhan. They led him along path to the gallows.

The messengers disclosed the truth to Ekaladerhan on the way. They spared Ekaladerhan’s life when they got to the place that is called Urhuokho today. They cut the neck of a hen (urhu okhokho in Edo Language) and stained their machetes with the blood. They would show this later to Owodo as evidence they had slain Ekaladarhan. Hence, the place was named Urhuokhokho, or neck of hen. They ordered him to wander into the evergreen forest, and never to return to Benin.

Ekaladerhan took IZODUWA as new name. He became Oduduwa of Yoruba.

The wives of Owodo did not have any children, contrary to expectations. After several years, Owodo consulted oboiro again telling him that his wives remained barren, in spite of oboiro’s divination. Owodo and oboiro were in the dark regarding the fact, that Esagho was not sacrificed.

The second time around, the oracle advised that a pregnant woman be sacrificed. Oboiro advised Owodo accordingly. They sacrificed a pregnant woman thereby violating the law of KIRIKIVUA. In reaction, a mob executed Owodo, oboiro, and Esagho. The episode marked the end of Ogiso dynasty. That is how grave an error in divination by oboiro can be, and how the sorceress is always channel of evil and ancestral curses.

Oracular Divination Contrasts To Oboirodivination

We need to understand the spiritual environment of Igogomido to appreciable the seriousness of the stupidity of the so-called oboiro of the legend. Oboiro bona fide, derived authority from “heaven” as did Ogiso. Oracular diviners are witchdoctors or babalawos. As spiritualists of sorts; they consulted ancestral, vagrant, and other earthbound spirits of witches, and the dead (called  erinmwin in Edo) on behalf of primitive clients.

For divination, they would throw shells that were strung together, on the ground. Some of the shells would fall with face up while others faced down. From the constellation, the chief priest, witchdoctor, or babalawo would interpret the intentions of vexatious ancestors, vagrant spirits of the dead, and spirits of living witches and wizards. They would recommend what sacrifices to be offered. Hence, oboiro consulting an “oracle” was an abomination! Because, while Oboiro derived transcendent authority from heaven, the ancestral authority of oracular diviners was terrestrial, base, and hence inferior.

We are now at beginning of another dynasty marked by advent of Oboiro.  This author is the first Oboiro since Owodo’s misrule.  Ancestor worshippers consulted oracular diviners (instead of oboiro) since then.

As a rule, ancestor worshippers consult oracular diviners to discover what their dead ancestors wanted.  They ask oracle question as, “what shall I give as offering that . . . .?” The answer would be animal and food. In contrast, oboirodivination is of transcendent world of the living. The Oboiro cannot sacrifice to ancestors or other beings.

Second Illustration

A weird example happened in the conclave while The Oboiro was acknowledged (or installed?). He had placed some bottled liquor, kola nuts, kaolin, alligator pepper, and salt on the table according to tradition, to feast the guests. They were Ebo masters, spiritualist Elders of repute, and confessed (and confirmed) witches and wizards from a facility in the Kingdom.

He presented drinks bottled from factory to ensure the contents of bottles were not compromised.  He alone decided on the combination of things to offer. They included salt and kaolin put in separate containers. He was to discover that mixing salt and kaolin for rites/rituals meant something special in astral world of witches, wizards, and witchdoctors.

The chair of the occasion ordered one of the witches present to mix salt and kaolin. She put some mixture in each glass. The (from factory) bottled liquor bottles were opened. A man poured the drinks into glasses that already contained a mixture of kaolin and salt; the mixture made the glass opaque as he poured the liquor.

There were on the table, five glasses more than the number of guests present. He planned it that way, so no one could predict who was going to take any particular glass for reasons he shall show presently. He asked each to pick a glass personally (not from a maid or servant). Everyone picked a glass of drink and some glasses remained.

One of the witchdoctors present observed that a foreign object was in his drink. This surprised everyone. We all answered in a chorus that drinks bottled from factory could not contain a foreign object. The chief priest who made the remark was saying a magical potion was in his drink!

If he had not discovered it, and drank it, he would have been poisoned. Purpose of the potion was to cause a transmutation of the drink into a creature that would grow inside the person who drank the potion. The mystical creature would grow in the victim to fatal level.

Intended victim showed the glass of alcoholic drink to each of us in turns.  Pertinent point is that it could happen because a mixture of salt and kaolin was in the liquor. Oboiro took all the precautions of extra glasses and serving from factory sealed bottles for this reason–that someone may not accuse him of having laced the drinks with potions.

No one owned up to having “projected” potion into the person’s drink. Elders pointed out that this sort of incidence deters people from forming any committee for the sort of noble project as Oboiro envisaged. On one hand, no matter how noble the idea might be, sorcerer would try to cause an incident for which The Oboiro would have been blamed. However, unknown to all of us at the material moment, confirming one The Oboiro, must include manifestation of IDUNAN.

The sorceress projected The obeah or juju potion into the glass of a witchdoctor. She fulfilled the role of Esagho, and channel for evil interference in the conclave.

The perpetrator died a vagrant psychopath.

Cont’d PART II.


We hold sessions with individuals over Skype or

We schedule periods to suit individual client.

Fees:  $16.70 (sixteen US Dollars, seventy cents) per week. Payable into online account.

Find other information here


Deliverance Sessions:


Deliverance From Curses Of Ancestors PART I

June 19, 2015

OuidahWeb1a- Ouidah-Grave-Web1

Deliverance of all races from Ancestral Curses


Many people think of “ancestral curses” applicable only to peoples of African origin or black race. They trace curse to ordeals African ancestors went through during Atlantic Slave Trade. We all know ancestors who went through rituals, and consumed potions at shrines, are long dead. A mystery not revealed before now, is they yielded something of awesome powers of the mind, will, and sanity or REASON—ability to think clearly without delusions. I e AKHASE (defined presently) in Edo/Bini, language of Great Benin, Nigeria. Present generation of all races suffer scourge from this under a general idea of ancestral curses. Deliverance from the scourge, people seek in various ways. Most, who seek spiritual help the world over, (especially peoples of the first world and their descendants) do so without realizing they were trying to undo ancestral curses.

Diabolic attempt sets apart, Atlantic Slave Trade, namely, attempt at altering the nature, structure, and working of minds, souls, and psyche of victims.  Slavery before then had been bonding people for labor by their physical bodies. Atlantic Slave Trade involved committing also to slavery, minds, souls, psyche, and spirits of slaves. We show WHY, worldwide repercussion in alterations of minds, souls, psyche, and spirits extend to human race. Combination of religion, witchcraft, rituals, magic, and Voodoo that came into existence because of the rituals and potions administered on the slaves, have now gone beyond Negroid Race.  We will write about this in PART II.

Endowed intelligence and awesome powers of mind, will, and reason or sanity, were in forebears of victims of Atlantic Slaves Trade, before alterations in nature, structure, and working of their minds through rituals and potions. An attribute central to this often omitted is AKHASE (in Edo/Bini language of Great Benin, Nigeria). Akhase is the capability to make an event happen by thinking about it, feeling strongly about it, willing it to happen, expecting it will happen, wishing that it happened, or decreeing it to happen. This attribute is of the awesomeness of the mind, reason, and will. One with exceptional control of Akhase is also called Akhase. (Explained further in PART II)

Initiation rituals, combined with potions modified their psyche, minds, souls, and spirits, thereby eliminating intelligence, sanity or faculty for reason, and other capabilities vital for controlling Akhase. What resulted is psychotic Akhase devoid of reason. Consequences of deficiencies include observable traits, which led to scholars stigmatizing Black Africans (George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) formulated the idea of “African stupidity”) or as bearing idiot element in their genes. (Professor James Watson, Nobel laureate in Chemistry in 2007 published that the black person carries an idiocy gene). Africans perceive reality differently and arrange it according to non-Western logic. (Delivering USA-Africa II) Such deficiencies observed by outsiders are on mundane level. Real and graver deficiencies prevail deep down at transcendent level of control of destiny. Loss in control of destiny is same as loss in control of Akhase, or being under PSYCHOTIC Akhase (Akhase under disordered perception of reality, exercising will devoid of reason or intelligence)! Africans and their descendants might have once been chief bearers of psychotic Akhase, but no longer. Curses from resultant Akhase now prevail uninterrupted at mystical, spiritual, or transcendent levels universally.


“You shall live and perish through slavery. You shall be in bondage among yourselves; in your offspring shall trade other Nations of the world. Your seeds shall be scourge of humankind.” The Curse is like death sentence pronounced by a Court of Law; e g “You shall die by hanging.” Death takes effect when executioner activates the judgment and hangs the prisoner. Likewise, slavery of body, mind, psyche, souls, and spirit, manifested as activated in Activation Stations or shrines during Atlantic Slave Trade. Concomitant Akhase broadcasting control at transcendent level under disordered perception of reality, without reason or intelligence, bears the seeds.

At these stations, slavers activated the curse through rituals and intake of potions invented especially for captives. Maleficent human ancestors, and bestial spiritual monsters, by-products of the rituals, abided with the slaves following administration of rituals and potions.

Activation rituals included ritual of forgetfulness, an extension to the spiritual level. Slaves were to forget everything about them, including their humanity, personality, identity, family, home, race, culture, language, nationality, religion, gods, ancestors, and above all, intelligent control of Akhase.

Nature abhors vacuum. Hence, as slavers eliminated all memories and personalities of victims, hybrid entities emerged, filling the vacuum that would have been left. A religion named Voodoo was among these. It emerged with own gods and ancestors. It operates Akhase under disordered perception of reality, without control through faculty of reason or sound mind.

New gods and ancestors of Voodoo religion became gods, ancestors, loas, orishas, of religion in their destinations.

Order of maleficent ancestors, sponsors of renegade Akhase (people whose Akhase are arbitrary (psychotic) and devastating), sealed the fate of the slaves to perpetuity. This fate followed them wherever they went; their descendants inherited the curse, religion, ancestors and application of psychotic Akhase that knew not bounds. The bond is not yet broken, despite abolition of both Atlantic Slave Trade, and domestic slavery. The bond is masked. Descendants now inherit the curse and deviant Akhase through meme.

Inheritance includes slavery language and chants, transmitted from one generation to the next in a way analogous to transmission of genetic information. However, devastating Akhase are through transcendent broadcasts into universe like waves or rays. Messages penetrate souls, mind, and spirits of every being despite race, culture, or religion. This is the CURSE and SCOURGE of humanity.

Activation Stations Of Curses–Shrines

Various aspects of the curse were activated by rituals and potions at particular stations or shrines. These instances resulted in spiritual transformations in the minds, psyche or souls, and spirits of victims.

Writers and reporters of Atlantic Slave Trade never mentioned gagging. Yet, image of gagging distinguished captives and slaves from free people. In ancient times, gagging identified in Africa, persons to be offered as sacrifice.

Gagging serves only one purpose, to prevent captives and slaves from speaking. Speaking would have included cursing or swearing at the captors, tormentors, and priests. However, it did not prevent their AKHASE. (AKHASE defined above.) Ideally, it should follow reason based on undistorted perception of reality. Hallucinogenic potions induced psychosis. Akhase, being of the awesomeness of the mind, will, and intellect, ought never to be without reason. Anger, agony, or grief sharpens and facilitates it, removing reason and accurate perception of reality from the process. Gagging rather than prevent it, precipitated it.

  • First station: the process started with raids and capture of victims. (okuo muen muen in Edo language). Villainous raiders targeted villages and homesteads; they attacked and set them ablaze, often under cover of darkness. Trauma from these set off turmoil in the psyche, angst and rage took from reason.
  • Slave raiders and dealers confined captured victims to yards. They locked their legs seated or lying on the ground with special gadgets. Fact dawns on victims in this period they were in captivity.
  • The villains took them next to markets where they sold them into slavery. They put those bought, and now named slaves, in yard where they branded them. By branding, they eliminated their individuality, identity, and name. They replaced them with appellation “slave” and mark of owners.
  • From there they went to a shrine called “Tree of forgetfulness”. The priests of slavers administered potions to them and made them walk around the tree many times. Throughout the night after that, they groaned in agony. They gave off sounds (handlers had removed their gags) that the unschooled local population referred to them as “mad dogs”[1]. (Yenma in Fon language).
  • Slavers moved them next to what they named “darkness room” or room “where light does not go”. (ZOMAI in Fon language). This was a dark cabin where they were kept under conditions[2] they will live in, on the ships during voyage of the Middle Passage. Just as well, that light did not go there; they could not see deposits on the floors and walls of the cabin–vomit, excreta, menstrual blood, slime and other excretions. Even if the cabin was swept or washed periodically, the rot and stench that must have accumulated over four to five hundred long years defies imagination. Little wonder that many took ill or died of contact in this cabin. Merchants consequently separated the weak, the sick, dying, or dead on one hand, from those considered fit to undergo the voyage. Merchants threw those considered not fit to survive the voyage into a huge pit—these include the living weak, the sick, dying, and corpses of the dead.

As slave merchants separated the bodies of the living from the dead, death separated their souls and spirits from dead bodies; those going to the ships became soulless, as the rituals were intended. Souls of the dead remained in Africa. (Their spirits hovered.)

  • Those who passed the screening were moved to shrine at “tree of return”. Rituals here were to allow souls and spirits of slaves return to Africa, after death of their bodies in land of bondage. This attempt point out that, the rituals of forgetfulness, among other rituals, included either removing memories of souls and spirits, or rendering them incapable of avenging them. We will show in PART II that souls could return, if and only if, appropriate funeral rituals were performed.
  • Their uprooting completed when they were separated physically from mother Earth of Africa, and put into ferries, that took them to ocean liners.
  • Those who made the voyage of the Middle Passage were deployed to their final stations in farms.
  • Induction at various plantations completed the process. This may include castration, rebranding, piercing of lips for padlocks, etc.

We find in Africans of today and world of their descendants, those with nature, structure, and working of minds as those who went through the brainwashing and ordeals the first time. Although ancestors who physically went through the rituals, and consumed the potions are long dead, traits have remained with descendants as aberrant behavior and low intelligence.

Destiny of slaves, their descendants, and THOSE THEY SHARE domains, religion, traditions, cultures, dances, foods, and rituals with, remain sealed. They, one and all, remain cursed until some extraordinary powers deliver them. Deliverance must include reversing effects of processes of induction or initiations of every activation shrines and stations, and above all, restoring ability to control Akhase under guide of intelligence. (See also Deliverers of the race and humanity.)

The processes lasted over five-hundred long years; time enough for curse to penetrate both villains, victims, and others who benefited from slavery or coexisted with them. Therefore, ancestors of every descendant living today in Africa or in the Diaspora were corrupted. Furthermore, their curses and spells (especially from adepts among them) pervades the world today and is on the intended heads.


Belief in reincarnation underlies the traditions of the rituals. We need to sate this so we may realize scope of deliverance. It must extend to deliverance of reincarnated souls of slaves. No one could control where or through which families they reincarnated.

Rituals of forgetfulness, among others they went through in Africa, included either removing memories of souls and spirits, or rendering them incapable of avenging them. However, victims also went through a second ritual of return. Therefore, funeral rituals for slaves ought to have been performed for each slave as he/she died, to activate effects of ritual of return they went through in Africa. Because this did not occur, deliverance must now include deliverance of souls of their descendants. Some souls are surely reincarnations of souls of slaves.

Major problems, to have been solved, would have included undoing consequences of psychotic Akhase broadcast universally at transcendent level. Both the living and the DEAD need delivering in present generation.

Spiritual, witchcraft, or cultism industry, their spells, charms, and allied products thrived as part of African culture before Atlantic Slave Trade. (They still do.) These had branches, one of which served maintenance of domestic slavery industry. Others existed such as masquerade secret societies, “families” or cults, fraternities or sororities, and secret necromantic cults. These included aides for kings and subjects, and for hunters and slave raiders. Curse from psychotic Akhase has also penetrated these.

Slavery export industry adapted Vodoun, and worked it into Voodoo, in the light of expansion of export slavery industry. Growth was astronomical and enduring. Hence, day’s Voodoo should take special place in deliverance processes.

Tradition of subjecting slaves to rituals did not start with Atlantic Slave Trade. Therefore, “Ancestral Curses” owe to particular rituals ancestors of all African slaves went through at relevant era, they could be domestic slaves, Atlantic commercial slaves, or Trans-Sahara slaves.

As Ebo Master, The Oboiro, will put you through a process of deliverance to reverse evil consequences engraved in your personal psyche. Your unleashed awesome powers of mind, will, and reason, shall serve you to gain control of your destiny, prosperity, transfiguration, and salvation.

(Continued in PART II.)

[1] The Quidah slave route, which has been developed by UNESCO as a Heritage project, is a major source of oral dissemination of the events relating to slavery and the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Slaves were usually transported during the night and mostly on dark nights. This was because the dealers wanted to avoid being seen by the public. When going, they were made to stop by the tree of ‘forgetfulness’ It was also called ‘Yemaja’ in Fon language as derived from ‘Yenma’ which means ‘getting mad’. This was because the slaves were likened to mad dogs when chained and denied of freedom. The slaves were associated with the expression ‘Yenma’ that means in Fon language, ‘getting mad’.

[2] The Zomaï Cabin was an obscure hut where the slaves were held prior to departure. The meaning of zomaï is “where the light does not go”. The close quarters within the cabin habituated the slaves to the conditions they would face on board the slave ships.

Revealing Mystery Of Holy Mounts In West Africa

May 10, 2015

Twitter1-Nov_12Mounts In West Africa Where Dwell OKUN, OGUN, THOR, ARO, IDACHA à DASSA And Others.OboiroIcon2aY

(Updated May/2015)

About The Author

1        Dahra Hargaalga is the Author, born 1942, in Benin City, Edo Sate, Nigeria. “Oboiro” as conception is from ancient Language that evolved into Bini/Edo language. It denotes revealer and mediator of mysteries, especially mystery of Oke n Anubode and other Holy Mounts. Mysteries he reveals include heralding DELIVERERS of humankind. (Details at That he will be born was predicted as revelations before his conception (see details here As “obo” in the word Obo-iro, he is Ebo master. Ebo Masters of the Land identified him as The Oboiro owing to manifestation of characteristic IDUNAN. His predecessor lived 1,050 years ago during the reign of Ogiso Owodo. He is Teacher and coach in art of Oboirodivination for revelation of mysteries to unleash innate dormant miraculous powers for destiny control, psychic warfare, deliverance, salvation, and prosperity.

2        He, as oboiro-to-be, conversed with “invisible” friends as an infant before he could speak human language. He went through transfiguration in adulthood, and became The Oboiro. He received revelations on Benin River in Ekehuan (1954). Later (2010) he received confirmation revelation on Oke n Anubode about the Mysteries (ARUOKUN as dwelling of transcendent forms the unschooled call gods). He also received revelations of Ete (Mount) Iropfio, also known as “seven miles to heaven”.  Dwellers of the mounts and those who emanate powers in conjunction with him mandated him to herald their deliverers of the human race. He had further revelations recently when he visited SÓO (mount) Idacha à Dassa-Zounmē in République du Bénin.

3        The project includes formulating, and analyzing the metaphysics of NATURE, STRUCTURE, AND WORKING OF MIND OF BLACK PEOPLES or NEGROID RACE, and to deliver this in chapters and books. He explicates consequent linguistic, social structure, religious predispositions, and attitudes.

4        He reveals also, manifestations of the powers that emanate THROUGH the Mounts in unfolding destiny of the world in general, and Africans or Negroid race in particular. Cardinal in this respect is mystery on Oke n Anubode that resulted in Transatlantic Slave Trade in the past. For the future, he reveals the dynamics of IDUNAN.

5        He will share esoteric (secrets) teachings of “SONGS” (OHHUN or chants). SONGS are in language of creation. Study unleashes primordial powers that had previously been dormant for reasons explained during sessions.

6        He founded in Edmonton, Canada, (about 1968), what became Aruokun Ancestral Community (AAC). Details are on his websites (see below). As alumnus of University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, he started research on the topic there in 1973-74.

7        He has published several blogs on related topic e g TAKE OVER CONTROL: and

8        Other blog is DESTINY CONTROL FORUM at

9        His autobiographical website is His book is live on the Internet, namely, Dahra Hargaalga Snr. “Take Over Control Without Physical Violence” (TOC) available at

10    He runs a spiritual consultancy in Benin City, Nigeria. Clients are international, including from Europe and America.

11    The Oboiro started learning to read, write and speak French at CE.BE.LA.E (CENTER BENINOIS CES LANGUES ENTRANGUES) to cope with the demands of the project.


12    He wishes to acknowledge CE.BE.LA.E and its able staff that taught French in 2015. His gratitude goes to Monsieur Raphael Hadida, the Registrar, for facilitating his stay through support. His further thanks go to him for proofreading the French version.

13    Google Translate came handy, because without it, he would not have produced the French copy for proofreading.


14    For this project, French-speaking West-Africa includes eight independent French Speaking countries, namely, Senegal, Guinea (formerly French Guinea), Côte d’Ivoire, Benin (formerly Dahomey), Mauritania, Mali (formerly French Sudan), Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta), and Niger plus Cameroon. (English-speaking West-Africans and others include Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Liberia, Ghana, and Nigeria.) This extent is catchment area of the powers emanating THROUGH Oke n Anubode, the Mount of mystery of fifteenth century that heralded Transatlantic Slavetrade.

15    From the distribution of the population, French-speaking West Africa is much larger in geographical spread than English and others combined.

16    Besides, French speaking West African Scholars have contributed more pioneering research materials relevant to the subject matter than others. Towering example is Lucien Lévi-Bruhl–1857-1939 (re “Pre-logic”)

17    Collaborators would join to edit some of final chapters of the manuscripts. This will be published. Some chapters could be published under names of coauthors.

18    He wants serious Ethnographers, Anthropologists, postgraduate students in Literature, and members of academic community, especially French-speaking, to join in the research. Each should suggest individually, area of interest. We also look forward to graduate students writing their thesis on aspects of the project. We need urgently, financiers who could finance publishing of some manuscripts in book form for sale to the public. Terms will of course be worked out.

19    He is also looking forward to exploring some holy mountains inside and outside Nigeria, with Anthropologists, Social scientists, or qualified others.

20     You received introduction as summary. We hope to explore detailed manuscripts together on request.

 The Introduction

21    Ancient Benin Kingdom, “Cradle of Black Civilization” is in southern Nigeria. Benin City is capital of both Benin Kingdom and Edo State of Nigeria. Oke (mount) n Anubode (or Okenanubode) in the Kingdom is one chief holy mount on Earth. Other holy Mounts on Earth include Mounts Sinai, Arafat, and Olympus (“where the gods dwell”). Other Mounts in Southern Nigeria include Ete (mount) Iropfio (otherwise called “seven miles to heaven”) It is in Etsako Local Government Area of Edo Sate. Idanre “Hills” is another in southwest Nigeria. One outside Nigeria is SÓO (mount) Idacha à Dassa-Zounmē in République du Bénin.

22    Records show Europeans first visited West African coast in the fifteenth century, when Portuguese mariners arrived there. They landed in what became Nigeria at “Gwato”. Edo people call the territory Ughoton. Gwato is probably a corrupted pronunciation of Ughoton by the Portuguese. Ughoton is home to Holy Mount Oke n Anubode.

23    We should note Transatlantic Slave Trade started in that century from Gwato. The first slaves exported, were from that Kingdom. This followed from mystery that occurred on the Mount. It later spread throughout West Africa as defined here and to the world. This is defacto proof of how far-reaching, the powers on Oke n Anubode is. No one mentioned the spiritual bases of Transatlantic Slave Trade before now for reasons revealed in the sessions.

24    What other races did with revelations of holy Mounts in their zones is further illustration of powers from holy Mounts.  For examples, revelations on Mount Sinai to Prophet Moses resulted in Books that form foundation of Judeo-Christian Religions and spiritual bases of some world powers. Revelations on Mount Olympus resulted in world Olympic Games. What did our forebears do with revelations of mysteries of our Mounts? We answer this question in the project.

25    Meanwhile, powers from holy Mounts in our zone (or in response to them) triggered perfecting institutions of witchcraft and slavery through formulary for witchcraft potions millennia-long. Applying potions of witchcraft in slavery zombified population for exploitation. A religion evolved from the practices. It resulted in the African or Negroid Race being the only human race that has a type of slavery economy that became internationalized. The Race is probably the only one in which others traded on Earth.

26    The priesthood, through their behavior, shows the extent they go to avert end to their rule. They set up shrines on paths leading to each holy Mount, such that seekers approaching the Mount end in the shrines or Basilicas.  Various other barriers are in place to keep people and the powers on the Mount from interacting. Despite this, powers they sought to prevent from reaching the world, started process of annihilating powers of darkness over the race. Signs are everywhere, as we show next.

Behold The Signs

27    IDUNAN is manifestation of spontaneous devastating events associable with particular people or group. These could be day-old infants or adults of any age. Members of the community where the subjects live, persecute them as witchcraft-children. Others are in chains in various shrines, churches, and homes. Some of these are near you and you may be among the persecutors. We want you to have a rethink. Join otherwise in exposing and fighting the condemnable practices.

28    People bury some babies alive. Burying people alive as ritual practice is age-old tradition of Africans. You probably know a site in your village, in honor of adult victims.

29    Shrines or places of worship on paths forming barriers involve ritual murder, including burying people alive. Witchdoctors, priests, Alfas, and pastors (who are initiates into secret societies) extract blood from adults and children for rituals, or use body parts of both living and dead as ingredients in witchcraft related potions. Some adherents cannibalize their members.

30    Torture is part of rituals they engage in to extract CONFESSIONS from those accused of witchcraft or others being sacrificed. Consequence of all, the priesthood perfected witchcraft potions over millennia. They give potions to every person at birth or early childhood to raise them for further purposes we will be revealing.

31    Crucifixions and initiations of the gallows are prevalent in our zone and are worldwide.  We will reveal the secrets of insistence on confessions and torturing people to death.

32    Our divine mission to prepare the world for IDUNAN is similar to that of Noah who built an Ark to save some animals (including human animals) from catastrophe of the flood that eliminated their bodies in his time. In his case, everyone not in the Ark perished. (However, the black race obviously did not perish.)

33    Another example is elimination of sinners in Sodom and Gomorrah. Then, people who lived according to the will of God of the Prophets were not to perish by fire that eventually consumed BODIES of people. Humankind is at “end of the world” again.

34    Other civilizations as Mayan and Aztecs ended abruptly. People who survived the cataclysm do not reveal the events leading to the cataclysm. However, archeological research reveals that human sacrifices were extensive; the scale they carried them out suggests they realized their imminent doom. They must have thought they could avert it if they sacrificed enough human beings to their “Earth Monster”. What are people doing differently today on our land, other than to make blood offerings that include ritual murder and cannibalism?

35    IDUNAN is about cleansing world of our time, by annihilating those who live NOT according to divine Mater Plan.

36    Difference between those who perished in the flood and fire on one hand, and IDUNAN, on the other hand, is that IDUNAN will involve annihilation of souls, astral bodies, witchcraft entities, and aligned spirits in people and world of our time. Collateral damages may happen to human bodies in the process. The process began already. What will matter in the end, as we will reveal, is not survival of souls, spirits or astral bodies, but of HEAD or head. We offer access to the information and secrets that will help people prepare.

Divine Mandate Of The Oboiro

37    The Oboiro may not build an Ark. However, he is offering opportunities so people could change, as he will explain. Change is difficult and improbable to be voluntarily. Hence, cataclysm of final IDUNAN is becoming inevitable! Will you perish or survive through transfiguration?

38    He traveled to the United States of America in 2008 (at his cost) as part of this mission. Unfortunately, the black community target audience was not accessible in large numbers. It owed to manipulations by cult members from Nigerian, Benin City, Edo Sate, and place of his birth. They now are American citizens. Their Ghanaian counterparts, among others, are challenging him in Cotonou at present.

39    Nigerians, Ghanaians, and others who try to prevent The Oboiro from achieving goals of the project are of direct lineage of the shrines and traditions that sustain witchcraft and cultism as African religion. Same shrines and traditions pervade all regions of the world, where descendants of Africans dwell. Others of heritage of slaves exported from West Africa perpetuate the rituals and witchcraft. English-speaking West-Africans, French-speaking West-Africans, or Portuguese-speaking West-Africans and others are all Africans and one on this score. Aims of this project extend to delivering their victims.

40    Focus at present is on members of his race, the black or Negroid race, because the race is bearer of the damned spiritual witchcraft entities and “ancestral” curses. They are at the center of the war of IDUNAN.

Culled from “MysteryMounts2-Info”

Save The “Child-Witch”– PART I (Changed)

March 14, 2014



Adult citizens persecute children after accusing them falsely of being witches in Africa in general and in Nigeria in particular. The fourteen year old in the photo is not an isolated case. They need us urgently to save them.

The spiritual talents of some children aged one to five make parents fear them and condemn them as being the harbinger of curses. They try to either exorcise the spirit out of them or murder them.

They name those of age four or five to fifteen “witch or wizard”. They torture them or subject them to trial by ordeal to confess. When this fails, they either murder or abandon them at shrines, churches, remand homes, mental asylums, road junctions, or bush. These could include geniuses or gifted children in Extrasensory Perception (ESP).

These accusations do not explain the practice of draining blood from them or using their body parts in rituals and making of juju, mojo, talismans, and allied voodoo products. Some cults indulge in cannibalizing the children! These practices reveal the truth that underlies their campaign of calumny against whom they brand “Child-witch”.  We will show in course of this “Save Witchcraft-Children” project, our collective salvation lays in revelation of the truth about ritual purposes as motives of persecuting children they accuse of witchcraft.

Why Force Confessions From Accused Children?

It does not matter, at this stage, what the witch can do or not do, targeting a five-year-old is diabolic ploy. They try to force a child to confess that he/she is a witch. Adult African population would go to any extent, including scalding the little palm with hot pressing iron. The father of the teenager in the picture first wanted her to drink sulfuric acid. When she refused, the father poured it on her! (Vanguard Newspaper published it on Tuesday 30th 2010 p 34 titled, “My Father Bathed Me With Acid For Not Confessing To Being A Witch”.

People normally do not discuss witchcraft in public. Why? Because, being no witch is the exception in our communities. To become a witch or wizard one ingests the witch’s potion. An entity, the “witch” (ababe in Edo or Bini) develops in the person. The witch projects this entity to “fly” to Sabbaths or covens. This is the soul of soul travelers or astral body of astral travelers. Why single out children for persecution? Answer to this question will be the way out of cardinal spiritual and ancestral problems Africans and their descendants worldwide face.

The priesthood expects the entity to develop in everybody that ingests the potion; that would mean everyone is potentially a witch. In other words, everyone born in Africa or by Africans eats witchcraft potion as children; you get it from parents, neighbors, in-laws, or friends of the biological family. One eventually takes various ones many times in a lifetime. Problem for the priesthood starts when the entity fails to develop. Hence, reason for persecutors accusing children of witchcraft, or branding them as witchcraft-children, is failure of the child’s personality to obey. I will review more parts of the reasons in PART II.

Naming Person A Witch Is Putting A Curse On The Person

If everyone is a witch by having ingested the potion, why name the child a witch and then try to force confession from it? Besides, calling someone a witch is life threatening. By analogy, we are all born into this world as consequence of sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse is natural and permissible unless it is “ILLICIT”. Some religions even prescribe death sentence for those who commit the illicit act as adultery or fornication. Others may call them prostitutes disparagingly. Would you kill little children for fooling around with opposite gender? Alternatively, would you sentence them to remand home or ostracize them?

Many witchdoctors, chief priests, pastors, mystics, astral/soul travelers, prophets, imams, and traditionalists boast they possess the power for which they prosecute children. Illicit witchery would be a crime punishable by death (burning at the stake). Our colonial masters encoded accusing people of witchcraft as a crime punishable under criminal justice. Killing or torturing them did not even arise. It is against the laws in the statue books to accuse anyone of being a witch. Yet we find “Witchcraft-Children” in government owned remand homes. People reported children to the authorities; they tried and sentenced them according to a law that lawyers or magistrates do not know! Sometimes, officers, parents, and priesthood connive to jail the children under trump up charges to get them out of their homes.

Report In The News

A news report attracted my attention on Government owned television station. Witchcraft issue was not the main purpose of the report; it was on remand home. The reporter only included it in the list of the children or youths in the remand home in passing. Coincidentally, Vanguard Newspaper carried an article that focused on it within a week or so.

The Newspaper reports that these are “. . . children between the ages of five to fifteen being accused of belonging to SECRET CULT (my emphasis). They are made to suffer untold brutality in the hands of the family or in the hands of someone who claims to have the powers to remove the magic in the children. Sometimes the family would conspire and secretly kill the child and nobody would hear anything about it. . . .Orphans and children with one parent alive are the worst victims. . . .So they bring the prayer people . . . usually at an agreed price per child. Sometimes the children are taken away. We do not know what usually happen to some of the children, whether they ever return or not.” (Newspaper based report on interview with Representative of an NGO.)

Emerging Consequences Of Persecution

People now persecute the children for “evil occurring around them”! These include squalor and illnesses plaguing relations, especially poverty-stricken parents. They also blame them for crop failure, famine, pestilence, catastrophes, and deaths of pregnant women during labor. Evil instances for which they persecute the kids, as revealed to me, are consequence of need to show EVIDENCE of divine source of children’s resistance to witchcraft potion. (See “Save Witchcraft Children” Webpage)

By R. Dahra Hargaalga Snr. (The Oboiro)

First published Dec 4th 2010


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