Archive for May, 2023


May 11, 2023

※ We are Witnesses of Holy Mountains (WoHM). The OBOIRO, Four Persons In One,  is GUIDE and ORACLE.※

ET’s Final Solution To African-Witchcraft–To End It On Earth


In the beginning, human beasts existed like other brutes of the wild on Earth.

Extraterrestrials (ET) descend to earth from time to time at different locations called Holy Mountains to execute programs and projects.

They imbued human brutes with souls, minds, will, and intelligence during their descents on Earth. The human brutes became “reborn” human beings. Hence, we refer to them and their descendants today, as the begotten. They were spiritual sovereigns with a destiny: Their destiny was to execute the Divine Plan (D.P.) of the ET.

Other entities or demons emerged thereafter from the soil. Their goal was to create an African-Witchcraft Civilization (A.W.C.). African-Witchcraft (AW) is about death, dying, the dead, the living-dead, and those about to die (to be offered in ritual murder). (See more here). And also, it is a process of decaying, rotting, spoiling, decomposing, and disintegrating. 

They wanted to achieve A.W.C. at the expense of the D.P. by inverting the civilization based on the D.P. of the ET.

They raised and sent Witchcraft-Priests (WP) on the mission to engineer the A.W.C. into existence. WP are creating or breeding human populations of slaves who have no souls, minds, intelligence, or the ability to exercise will: They are zombies. The zombies are the population through which they planned to establish the A.W.C.  

The ET attempted to wipe them and their creations out on various occasions.  (R e Sodom and Gomorrah, the Flood)   

The ET are exterminating or quenching the zombies, because they are the bearers of AW. ET had put a curse of extermination on them with an Oath.

Now note this! A.W.C. is under pressure from two separate forces of extinguishing or extermination. Force a.) The oath as force from the Curse of ET is working as primary “infection” debilitating AW, while on its way to causing A.W.C. extinguishing. The oath does not work directly on A.W.C. It works through AW.

Force b.) The destructing force being generated according to the nature of AW, forcing rotting and dying as usual where it is lodged in A.W.C.: A case of a mortal killer agent on its way to extinction while causing extinction of its host. The agent is suffering from a terminal disease while remaining a disease in its own right. A.W.C. therefore, is suffering from two forces from two diseases re-enforcing each other, namely, AW’s process of causing rotting or degenerating as infection of A.W.C., and at the same time, A.W.C. is itself going through rotting and tending to ceasing to exist due to the oath.

The destiny of AW and it’s host are not separable: One cannot go out of existence while the other continues to exist. AW is cursed by ET with extinction. AW is the life of A.W.C. When AW goes, A.W.C. ceases to have life, or to be alive.

The ET are targeting territories of African populations where both their begotten and the created people of WP  exist together.

Oboiro Destiny Control Project (ODCP) is, among other things, to aid the innocent in the relevant population to regain control, and to be exempted from the extermination process.

Some of the innocent people may not be in a mental position to “Take over control” on their own. These need assistance, and we can help. Additionally, if you know people who have confessed to, or are accused of witchcraft, please share their contact with us through the email address given below. Alternatively, share with them, their relations or handlers, our email address given below.  

Witchcraft And Your Quenching

There is WITCHCRAFT and there is African-Witchcraft (AW). AW is about death, dying, the dead, the living dead, those about to die (to be offered in ritual murder) (See more here); and as the process of decaying, rotting, spoiling, decomposing, and disintegrating. Human bearers have cannibals among them.

The extermination project involves measures against AW specifically. Note that, the project is aimed at exterminating AW, where ever they may be; whether inside people or not. Hence, every one in the environment of AW will suffer devastation, because AW is a process that affects the germ, essence, or spirit; that are not necessarily contained in human bodies; as long as they share the destiny.  In other words, AW can contaminate objects in an environment across physical space.

The extermination project of ET targets AW in specific environments: zones, areas, or territories on planet earth. The zones, areas, or territories on planet earth where AW is dominant turn out to be Africa south of the Sahara. Black Africans propagate AW where ever they are through witchcraft potions, rituals, sounds, and emanation. Consequently, AW has now spread through out the world following the spread of black Africans. Therefore, non-Africans among whom the bearers of AW live may be exterminated as collateral damage!

Everyone in the affected environment that includes zones, areas, or territories on planet earth might eventually be exterminated.

The process of extermination is consistent with extermination by natural means or phenomena like plagues, and the decease caused by viruses. This implies that, while everybody does not die on the same day, they could all die eventually.

As always, those who have immunity would survive. Otherwise, those who have the antidotes or treatment would survive. So also would those who protected themselves successfully by other spiritual and Ebo means and counter measures.

In the same vein, you will surely quench, unless you met certain conditions that include the following: have immunity, antidote, cure for AW, or counter measures against Witchcraft-Priests (WP) and their mission. Holy Mounts Meditation (HMM) is effective cure, defence, and protection. ET would heal you, and watch over you. The counter measure is by TAKING OVER CONTROL.

Everyone To Face Judgement

Everyone must face judgement; after judgement will follow execution of judgement. Everyone found guilty, or who fall short by bearing witchcraft entity in their bodies would suffer and die after judgement. The suffering could include loosing control by becoming insane; killing and ruining their families, having to confess or be accused of witchcraft.

Holy Mounts Meditation (HMM) includes, “mighty prayer of the Oboiro.”

You must start now. ARIGBO (as the ET on Arigbo Mountains are called) have ongoing project of eradicating AW. The Oboiro Destiny Control Project (ODCP) and the ET project of eradicating AW are interrelated. ODCP is based at LAKE-ARIGBO, Dassa-Zoume, Republic of Benin.

ARIGBO would start guiding you in line with Oboiro’s mighty prayer, the moment you utter the command, “I Take Over Control; ARIGBO guide me.” They would heal you and protect you.

You would have further access to requisite counter measures or means for exclusion from the extermination process. Save yourself from suffering and the extermination process, by taking over control through HMM.

 Education Is The Universal Key To Life   

Education at all levels is the key to survival and progress in life of the race in present age; starting from the cradle in the family; before school age.

Witchcraft-Priests  (WP) routinely introduce into the body of every baby, the witchcraft potion interfering with the ability to learn and develop. This makes learning impossible; right from the cradle! This is the root strategy of zombification.

The WP are not likely to discontinue the tradition of attacking with witchcraft potion. They cannot change even if they chose to. Their emanations is outside their control. Death alone may end them. Hence, the intervention by ET.  

The glaring in-between stage before final extermination of the race by quenching individuals is that Africans are becoming ineducable. Put them in schools, they cannot assimilate what the teachers were trying to imbue in them. This has been going on for several generations: From when the current teachers were pupils, and the previous generations before them were pupils and the previous generations before the previous generations . . . before them were pupils. This inability is now showing as if it were in the genes.

Importantly, the inability to learn goes beyond formal education. To learn is to change from inferior to superior, improve and adapt: Being able to be converted, learning new ways that would advance the race.

One ought to have learned from one’s parents and the society. However, even African parents were unable to learn from their own parents when they were children and the society were unable to learn from theirs ancestors who had nothing to offer anyway.

If one cannot improve, be converted, acquire modern scientific and tested better and more adequate ways of living, then one would quench: Unless one can be converted to good, or included in progress. African-Witchcraft is leading to the opposite direction, namely decaying, being converted from living to rotting, from the path of redemption to the path of damnation, from inclusion in progress to exclusion from world progress. Take over control; and reverse the direction in your own life.

Processing Center Of Information In The Human Body

The zombification process is a process whereby WP are attacking the race at the roots of her survival. The Oboiro described this in an earlier blog as the Witchcraft-Priests ripping the Race from its roots and source of OGUN: Damaging the center or inherited capability for leaning and exercising will.

 This contact point of the attack is in the center or organ, the “processor” in the human body. Normally, the information that a person routinely receives is processed and converted there into knowledge-gain. Our concern in ODCP generally, or in this blog particularly is the inability to gain from the information received; from converting the information into gain in additional experience. When you learn how to swim for example, you gain in the ability to propel your body through water without drowning. The gain in skill is according to what transpired in that center.

Witchcraft-priests attack that center with witchcraft potions and rituals, neutralizing the function of the organ inside the body.   

Additionally, the consequences are not limited to the physical body. Rather, they extend beyond to involve the whole of one’s life and environment. This includes being bedevilled; becoming jinxed, suffering bad luck profoundly, and becoming the bearer of unclean spirits.

For example, one may find a job, no matter how lowly and unsatisfactory it might appear; one is receiving something with which to manage. A bedevilled person is unable to manage; he or she cannot use the menial wages constructively. He or she may be spending his or her miserable wage patronizing the WP (who are causing his or her suffering in the first place) and making sacrifices in servicing their gods, fetishes, idols, juju, and the like. Besides, one could contaminate the working space with AW emanation thereby attracting the ire and hate of co-workers, especially the management.

That is bad enough, but it is not the worst that could befall victims; worse than all those is that they may not be able to tell where their money goes; they feel that it is being stolen;” hey are confused. Sometimes, their money may vanished! On top of that, they loose friends and acquaintance because of their emanation as harbinger of evil: Every one avoids them.

If you are confused, bedevilled or jinxed already; your wealth is being stolen, and you are rotting, or quenching, every one is avoiding you because you  spread evil; you can reverse the trend by taking over control.

We Know The Secrets Of The Enemy

We know the secrets of WP who are bedevilling you. We will reveal it to you here: The secret is that they do it by either a.) neutralizing or damaging the organ or “processing” center inside your body, or b.) planting in your body a “magnate” of evil spirits. (We are focusing on the first alternative in this blog.) They first replaced it in your body with the witchcraft entity; then followed with baptism and initiations.

They usually go further to work against your progress, success, and prosperity in life. They steal or drain your wealth through it. This is the secret behind their EPISTEME-love for you. This is how the WP is ruining you with their “love” as your IKOR–fake spiritual helpers who offer you “love,” and offer you “free” services.

We defined the WP to include witchdoctors, chief-priests, babalawos, houngan, pastors, imams, “good” witches and wizards, gods, men and women of God, and some ancestors; voodoo priests, houngan, magicians, spiritualists, cultists, ritualists, demons, evil entities, and spiritual slavers. These  are the people to whom victims routinely go to seek help–free help!

Conclusively, before Witchcraft-priests can bind and defeat you, they must first interrupt your faculty or means of learning and understanding; ability to distinguishing between good and evil. They neutralized your ability to control also. You can now regain your will or ability to control by doing as we have told you.


The witchcraft potion does not work in some people. This would have been a blessing in the sense that a new generation free from witchcraft would evolve. Instead of being a blessing, the villains or WP turn the potential blessings upside down, and categorize these people as evil Witch-Children. Note the inversion; turning a potential blessing upside down into a curse.

This is how: The villains are the Witchcraft-priests along with their agents; they include the whole witchcraft tribe or witchcraft “family” doing evil; by spreading evil African-witchcraft. The innocent children are doing no evil; they would grow up to become the future leaders who would advance the realization of the divine plan: Bringing blessing. Yet WP project the innocent children as evil by not becoming witches; in other words, they invert the blessings of the children not becoming witches, into being a curse!  

With their false accusations, WP put the victims (sometimes babies) in the category that need to be CURED, exorcised, or killed. They accuse them of hosting demons in their bodies. The treatment for this, according to the WP, is extracting confession from the victims. Now note that! Extracting confessions from innocent babies and youths!

The parents of the children (often themselves witches) in collaboration with WP torture the children and youths to “confess.” Their methods include putting hot pressing iron on their palms, bathing them with sulphuric acid,

(images 2)

or setting their hair soaked in kerosene on fire! (image 3)  

They may try to induce vomiting the “witchcraft,” witch entity, or evil spirit. They make them drink concoctions to make them vomit. (The witchcraft tribe believes the “witchcraft” to be a witch-bird or some entity that “flies” out of the body.) The accused often die from the toxicity of the concoction.

This ability to “fly” is basic to the capabilities associated with being a witch or sorcerer. Making such entities to develop or grow in the bodies of Africans is the fundamental goal of zombification. And bearers of the witch entity cannot learn science, engineering, technology, mathematics or any new language. Putting it in a plain language: You cannot be suffering from African-witchcraft, or be an African sorcerer on African soil, or anywhere else, who is a practising member of witchcraft tribe on one hand, and a mathematician at the same time. Being a practising member of African-witchcraft, and being a mathematician are mutually exclusive. The same rule applies to being a scientist,  bona fide engineer,  an ICT specialist, and so on.


ET interventions are inhibiting the evil effects on the human Race. They are making witchcraft to cease to exist in Africa, among their descendants in the diaspora, and everywhere they might be propagating worldwide. ET are preventing AW from re-emerging, or re-manifesting where it is eradicated. AW you remember, is a process of rotting, dying, and decaying; people becoming progressively mentally weaker, progressively less intelligent, or increasingly stupider, and confused: Increasingly being unable to distinguish between good and evil.

ET are succeeding with their interventions causing observable decreasing powers of the WP. Indications of waning powers of the WP in maintaining their sorcery and demonology include that most spells no longer work. Insanity and other spiritual ailments are becoming more prevalent among their initiates.

Also, resistant children are multiplying. Many resistant children manifest powers that we call IDUNNA. But which the layperson and WP unfortunately misconceive as witchcraft or powers of demonic possession—they persecuted them consequently as witch-children.

Furthermore, funeral rituals abound that the WP developed. They are developing formulas for “expunging” the curses. Their rituals do not work; because of the deeper reasons why the African-Witchcraft must be eradicated: Zombification and evil effects on the human Race must cease to exist; and prevented from re-emerging or re-manifesting where they had been quenched. The reasons have been reveal to the Oboiro.

African-Witchcraft Civilization Is Dying From Within

Everyone born by Africans in Africa or in the diaspora is given the witchcraft potion: This is the formula that makes witchcraft entity, the “witch” to develop in the body of everyone: We therefore presume every member of the society to be a witch.

The demons and entities who sent WP on zombification aimed at establishing a witchcraft civilization (A.W.C.). Now, people are being singled out and accused of witchcraft in their witchcraft tribe. This happens when witch tribe members are suspected of killing members of their families with witchcraft: A matter of witches living up to type, and fulfilling their nature as defined–killing one another, causing devastations, and causing degradation in their environment that includes the tribe and race.

They are accused of ruining others financially, making their women barren, and causing disasters. The disasters that may include crop failure, drought or other “natural” climatic changes. Note though, that it is a criminal offence to accuse someone of witchcraft in many countries.

It noteworthy that some persons are coming forward to confess to being witches: In spite of knowing the possible repercussion of trial by ordeal, and under going “treatment.”

They are sent, in reaction to their confession, to witch-doctors, WP, or to psychiatric hospitals for treatment. These “patients” often are  people who are unable to control their witchcraft. They are mostly among passionately religious people, mystics, self-acclaimed witches and wizards (those who boast about it among witchdoctors), cultists, fetishists, “the family (aka secret societies),” and spiritualists (people who communicate with the dead).

These are proofs that A.W.C. is dying. Suffering under two separate forces of extinguishing or rotting. Force a.) is the force of the Curse of ET on the AW inside A.W.C.; putting AW and it’s inseparable host out of existence. Force b.) is the force being generated according to the internal urgencies of AW; by its own nature of internally caused force of rotting and dying. A.W.C. is suffering from AW as inherent process. It is damaging itself; succumbing to its ow inter-forces of decaying and dying.

AW is cursed by ET with extinction. AW is the life of A.W.C. When AW goes, A.W.C. ceases to have life, or to be alive. In the same vein, if you bear the witch entity, if African witchcraft entity is same as your astral body, the life inside you, if it ceases to have life, or to be alive you also cease to be alive; when it goes, you also go.

We Can Help

It is obvious that those who are justifiably accused of being witches, or who voluntarily confessed to be witches are in no position to “Take over control” on their own. They need assistance and we can help. Furthermore, if you know of accused people, or you have their contacts, please share it with us through the email address given below.  

For further information, advice, or help for people confessing, or being accused of being witches,  send email to

Take over control.


(See also the next Blog on EXORCISM)

Join us at HMM on Zoom at

Time: 15 hours WAT (14H GMT)