Posts Tagged ‘destiny’

SpecialSpiritualNeeds (SSN)

October 15, 2013

MISSION is meeting Special Spiritual Needs (SSN) of humankind in general and SSN of Africans and their descendants worldwide in particular, through ARUOKUN COMMUNITY on Earth. We inherited meme as erinmwin[1] ARUOKUN. We bring testament revealed on OKE N ARUOKUN (Mount ARUOKUN).

We highlight making of psyche and determining mental process of people in general, and modern black people in particular. A standard exists, since the beginning of time, of modifying psyche to produce perception, and interpreting reality that follows the Master Plan for OSAGBAYE (the spiritual Earth, mystical universe of reality, mysteries, life, spirituality, and prosperity). Rebellious beings that include, but not limited to the black race, broke away from the Master Plan. They set up a world of people whose psyche they modified with rituals. One of their goals was to make them forget their true ancestry and the Master Plan; consequence is people now exhibit behaviour that deviates from the normal or desirable—aberrant behaviour. Casualties include descendants of Africans forcibly exported from Africa on one hand, and SOME of those who descended from the exporters worldwide, on the other hand.

Deviation Of Psyche And SSN

Us as a people have always had, and will continue to have, distinguishable psyche for perception and interpretation of reality. Every race has distinguishable psychic characteristics; hence, us having distinguishable psychic characteristics is NOT extraordinary or separate. However, some of ours bear with them, ADDITIONAL Special Spiritual Needs different from primordial peculiarities of psyche of us as Africans, or as people of Black African descent. The additional is source of concerns. It does not necessarily make us inferior or superior.

SSN are not necessarily preordained or in our genes; they owe mostly to consequences of rituals. They are consequences of rituals invented over millennia; some rituals were to structure the psyche to enhance divinity of human beings; others made victims perceive reality differently so their handlers could better manipulate them as slaves.

Present condition of our psyche owes to culmination of application of rituals for enslaving the majority before advent of commercial slavery. People owned slaves, as did other races worldwide. They included slaves of burden, and spiritual or blood slaves (including those reared for rituals).

Writers From Other Races Knew About SSN

People knew before now, peculiarities arising from persistent application of rituals to reduce people to zombies, or mentality of brutes. They would rather not discuss it, because topic had either been cast in mould of primitivism or malformation that requires apologies or expunging. Besides, discussing it in public would alert people, and make them focus concerns so they may attack the evil or villains.  We must join in prayers that reforms will happen in our time without physical violence.

 Scholars and thinkers of other races have pointed them out before, as deviations from the normal. E g (i) “the most important philosopher ever to write in English”, David Hume who lived from 1711 to 1776, (ii) Émile Durkheim (1858-1917), Founder of Sociology, (iii) Lucien Lévy-Bruhl (1857-1939), French philosopher and anthropologist, (iv) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), German idealist philosopher, and (v) James D. Watson, born in 1928, American molecular biologist and co-winner of the 1962 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. Watson published in 2007, that Black people carry idiot-gene. (See quotations of authors in “TAKE OVER CONTROL” TOC Chapter 1)

Most people discuss concerns about our SSN as response to adjectives above authors used in describing our mentality, e g “African stupidity” (Hegel), being carriers of idiot-gene (Watson), our thoughts being pre-logical (Lévy-Bruhl). Arguments about adjectives distract from the substance, namely, the constitution and consequences of our engineered and reengineered psyche. Writers focused on showing that we are normal people, and deny our essential psyche–the divine and primordial part of Master Plan. We should not continue to misunderstand or deny difference of our psyche affecting our perception and interpretation of reality.

Solution To SSN

Black is more than just being beautiful. Can we excel only in entertainment industry and athletics? Why do we not excel in fields of metaphysics and reasoning? Why did our ancestors not invent writing? Why did they not invent lifting machines and vehicles that would have removed burden of transporting goods from human head? (There would have been no need to raise slaves for the task.) Why have we not produced original thinkers that can define Vlekete and voodoo rituals with goal of removing syndrome that arose from them? Why are there so few, invention of formats for making psyche that enhances or complements inventions by other races? (They would enhance better life and prosperity for humankind).  Why are we endowed with exclusive capability of creating Ebo?

We should not continue to pretend that all is well, because not all is well. We now must follow correct direction by divining metaphysics of our psyche, rituals of divine-initiations, formulas for mystical means. We can modify evil consequences from history. Divine SONGS and invent mystical means so we can take over control of our destiny without physical violence.

Religions, path of African Traditional Religion (ATR), mysticism, black magic, cultism, among spiritual paths that people follow today are not working as proved by prevalence of crimes and physical violence in communities worldwide. Failed States are becoming usual! Family structure has broken down. Population is not as bright as used to be millennia ago, before invention of rituals that make psyche of zombies or quasi-lunatics who exhibit aberrant behavior or depravity.  This must change.

Our MISSION is to right all the wrongs owing to mundane initiations and voodoo. Transfiguration through divine-rebirth will replace resurrection as zombie; divine-initiation must replace mundane initiation; mystical means must replace gun, bomb, and swords, among other weapons of bloody warfare.

[1] Erinmwin in Language of Edo people (I am an Edo) of southern Nigeria is the transcendent universe where all events on Earth originate. Before an event happens on Earth, it must first happen in erinmwin. Before you can, for example, build a city on Earth, you must first build one in erinmwin. Cities and nations must originate in erinmwin to be viable.

My Head My Bastion: Fortification, Defender, Supporter, And Protector.

June 27, 2013

My head is not only a projecting part of my body, but is also my mystical fortification, defender, supporter, and protector.  We of ARUOKUN COMMUNITY have the master key to mysteries of HEAD; we can undo damages and reinstate its true position so you can take over control of your destiny.

HEAD has a unique position in the Reality of universal ARUOKUN COMMUNITY. HEAD is naturally the focus of religious predisposition and the underlying attitude to life and destiny control of Edo people in particular, and humankind in general. Every activity relates to wellbeing of HEAD often thought of in terms of physical head, psyche, or self. If others domineer over your head, they determine your life and destiny. Conversely, liberate your head, and you liberate you, life, and destiny. . .

HEAD as African object of veneration in lives of Edo People is widespread. This attitude is universal in Africa. Indeed, manipulation of people’s heads is primary mode of keeping members under control of God or any religion. One religion makes members touch the ground with the head at least five times daily; traditionalists, for another make their adherents touch the ground with the head in front of alter or shrine of their God. Some anoint heads of members of their shrine regularly with blood. Some religion practice immersion of head under water.

Priests often place hands on head of devotees. People cut potions into the scalp to fortify the head, protect it, or make it able to be used by the owner as if a talisman (as mojo, juju, or Ebo). Some jinxed people prone to bad luck and misfortunes seek intervention of witchdoctors, priests, or prophets. Help for them is to “wash” the head with special mystical preparations.   Therefore, what I state about position of head in the spiritual wellbeing of people in general, and Edo people in particular, is saying what everyone knows but is silent about. Why? 

Mystical CONTROL underlies attitude of life in Africa. That everybody employs magical objects as juju, mojo, and Ebo attest to this. Peoples of the world practice witchcraft, necromancy, communicate with the dead, and engage in ritual magic for purposes, either to control own destiny, or destiny of others through HEAD.

Annual Head Festival By Edo People

“Edo people celebrate annual festival in Benin Kingdom called IGUE FESTIVAL. Citizens of Benin Kingdom anoint their heads and “pay homage” to it. People thank their collective heads annually during the festival for leading them through the preceding year successfully and without harm. Individual persons may perform a lesser ceremony anytime of the year when an occasion warrants it, such as escaping uninjured or with minor injuries in an accident that claimed many lives. Father or mother may thank his head for the safe-return of a son from the battlefront. A mother may thank her head when a daughter delivers safely after a difficult labor. The gods and ancestors do not enjoy this type of show of gratitude. The people above might have made many sacrifices to appease them before the happy ending that they celebrate! Why? Because, they wanted to prevent interference or abuse from vexatious gods and ancestors, while relying on HEAD for success. Thanksgiving proves Uhunmwun-agho (that “My Head is my ultimate focus deserving of my veneration”. (See details in TAKE OVER CONTROL–TOC p 65)

UHUNMWUN means head in Edo Language, human cranium unequivocally. It also connotes greatest in importance or significance of anything including the physical head as paramount member of the physical body. It bears other connotations of source as fountain of a river. Physical head is a subunit of HEAD. (We use HEAD—caps—and head interchangeably here; the difference is taught during ARUOKUN SESSIONS.)

We grow up in Africa, in the tradition that one’s head is one’s true mystical fortification, defender, supporter, and protector.  

AGHO translates into “hawk” as in hawking wares, proselytizing, advertising, and promoting; in other words spreading dominion, faith, and mode of worship. One promotes or advertises a source of pride, wealth, ultimate concern, veneration, and duty.

 Uhunmwun-Agho means, therefore, HEAD is what one should “hawk” as duty; there is no other object deserving of veneration or worship, because we have HEAD.  Renounce therefore all objects of worship and sacrifices that would frustrate or dominate your HEAD. Help your head prevail and triumph by removing encumbrances. We show how during ARUOKUN SESSIONS.

 (See “We Thank Our Head” blog:


Metaphysical speculations and philosophizing is not part of African culture or traditional way of life. Our ancestors did not invent writing. Hieroglyphics and other graphical representations of thought served only ritual purposes. Rituals often involve possessing the spirit of candidates, or obsessing the body. Head and candidate’s will would not allow this; hence, candidate is doped and reasoning faculties bypassed.

There has hitherto been no treatise on HEAD, thereby avoiding raising awareness of the inherent power of the head to defend, support, and protect. Hence, we have not inherited theology or philosophy about HEAD.

We have nothing to rely on about vital concerns, including sexuality, HEAD, duties of parents, and challenging the abuses by clergy and the priesthood. Our descendants should not inherit this as fate from us; therefore, contribute to topics especially relating to HEAD. Write anything. You need not write under your true name. Just contribute to this blog.

Powers Of Destiny Control Attainable (PAART II)

January 24, 2013

A universal golden rule (UGR—PART I) governs our exercise of power in OSAGBAYE–the spiritual Earth, mystical universe of reality, mysteries, life, and spirituality. Extraterrestrial beings or forms known as Custodians ensure upholding of the UGR.  One who seeks power to control destiny must go through ARUOKUN and satisfy the custodians.

ARUOKUN is the esoteric name of Oke n ‘Anubode (Mount Anubode in southern Nigeria). A gargantuan structure huger than a stadium marks Oke n ’Anubode, such that the structure is called ARUOKUN. A huge geometric image dominates the interior of ARUOKUN; this too is ARUOKUN, so everything about Oke n ‘Anubode is ARUOKUN. The justification for all being ARUOKUN is explained in e-Book LET US PRAY

We separate the geometric symbol as ARUOKUN according to the guide. This symbol becomes ambulant when reproduced appropriately as separable link. ARUOKUN Home Version is a miniaturized version that serves as link anywhere. ARUOKUN is a STATION that establishes a domain or field anywhere located so everyone within range is in link with SOURCE of universe. The field elevates human intellect and psychic powers to receive divine revelations of specialized mysteries. This is fundamentally different from shrines, idols, and spirit mediums that serve as communicators between idolaters on one hand, and their Gods or juju on the other hand.

In oboiropraying, one focuses on CONTROL through powers of the specialized mysteries. One is of course exercising will focused on a goal; however, the goal exists within a larger purpose. Will acts on a universal transcendent medium. The will properly projected goes through ARUOKUN, into the transcendent medium that carries out will.  

Details about oboiropraying are in LUP-15S; a summary is in SECRETS OF OBOIRO. 

Source of power that we apply in destiny control may be transcendent. The route leading to it is controlled. Those who wish to exercise this power must meet the conditions of UGR.

Essence In Us  

What is the essence in us that does what we do spiritually? This essence goes on judgment before it can reach the transcendent universe beyond ARUOKUN. They could shut it out of access to highest requisite mysteries. Is it the astral body? Is it the soul? Is it something that is neither the soul nor the astral body? You can learn about this in LET US PRAY.

When the percentage of violators of UGR (see PART I) on Earth at a global level exceeds a limit, the Earth will be cleansed; we call this end of the world. The rule applies to families, covens, and societies—the family, cult, church, coven, (or by what other names called) that exceed a limit, will be annihilated.  

The tempter tempts many to violate the UGR. Others are bound by oath, “not to distinguish between good and evil”. They recruit violators of UGR to swell their alternative to the world planed by the founders of OSAGBAYE. You must pray not to fall victim to the tempter. Ignorance of the UGR is not excuse.

Indeed, they spread falsehood around us making it difficult for many either to discern the UGR, or to live by it. You must team up with the OBOIRO and disseminate the message of destiny control for your sake. More importantly, you must goal for direct communication with the SOURCE of all. You must pray the oboiropraying lest you perish along with their Gods. You must take over control of your destiny to be able to liberate yourself from God of the tempter, the tempter, and their cahoots.

Master’s Key

 “The Master’s Key” is different from “master key”. Shall the Master’s Key save everyone who has it, and unlocks mysteries with it? (You will find the clue to the Master’s Key in LET US PRAY). As we preach, either you control your destiny, or some person, thing, demons, devils, etc., control it in your stead. What happens when you discover now that others conned you to control your destiny in your stead? If you passionately want to free yourself, you can by using the Master’s Key.

Controlling destiny is possible for those who have the Master’s Key. You can learn this through study of “Let Us Pray”. You can ultimately link yourself through ARUOKUN if you have one. This is the ONLY channel through which you reach extraterrestrial beings that revealed it. You cannot reach them through shrines and allied institutions. Have praying, fasting, oracular divination, soothsaying, astrology, tealeaves reading, palmistry, etc. helped you so far? You cannot attain power of destiny control through shrines.

It is never too late to start; if you can read and understand simple sentences, and follow up the teachings with rehearsals, you can be saved just as you were misled through simple sentences and ritual practices

The handicap of the world has been absence of MEANS as ARUOKUN and related powers to receive revelation of mysteries from extraterrestrial forms (ETF). That problems has now been solved by ETF—they revealed the ARUOKUN for the purpose.  



Powers Of Destiny Control Attainable (PART I)

January 20, 2013

Various people have varied ideas about “power”, which include psychic, voodoo, spiritual, and will power. Some believe that “power is built-in”. Built-in powers are instincts or instinctive behaviors that derive from the physical body, including the brain, nerves, muscle, and tissues. Lower animals have this power as well. We are guided by overall power of the PROPHECY, according to which cosmic Snail will annihilate cosmic Serpent. This prophecy is limited to the events involving powers represented by the Snail and Serpent; hence, limited to OSAGBAYE– the mystical universe of reality, mysteries, life, and spirituality on Earth. Administration of the Earth happens in and through OSAGBAYE. Some adepts can exempt themselves from the cataclysm. These people have access through DESTINY CONTROL to powers beyond administrators of spiritual Earth or OSAGBAYE.  

Source of power to control destiny is NOT in-built or inborn; it is transcendent. The judgment of the world will not be based on abstract or theoretical power as speculated about. You will not be judged according to your biological functions of instinctive power; rather, you will be judged according to your use of powers that you either attain or acquired. Exercise of these powers should base on reason and judgment.

Take for example the lower animals that are driven by the natural biological drive of instinct to procreate. Human beings share this with them. Whereas, you would not condemn a dog or he-goat that climbs own mother, you would condemn and punish mother and son on one hand, and daughter and father on the other hand, for engaging in sexual intercourse. Incest is a universal taboo among humans; so is bestiality—sex with non-human animals–and cannibalism. (See relevant chapters in my e-Book LET US PRAY on laws governing rituals and ethics.) 

A universal golden rule (UGR) governs our exercise of power in OSAGBAYE. UGR says, “Do only those things, which if everyone were to join you in, would advance security, peace, hope, sanctity, and prosperity. On the other hand, “Never do anything, which if others were to follow would lead to ordeal of suffering for all”.  Alternatively, “Engage only in such behaviors, which if everybody were to engage in wholesale, would increase the maximum GOOD of the maximum number”. On the other hand, “Do not engage in acts which if everyone were to emulate would increase the suffering or death of all”. Beings or forms known as Custodians ensure upholding of the UGR. Custodians are extraterrestrial beings or forms (ETF) as explained in SECRETS OF OBOIRO.


We have proof, that power to control is attained and not in-born, in the annals of magicians, sorcerers, wizards, or spiritualists. An example is the life and research of Aleister Crowley, Beast 666. His life (and that of those who inherited his Order Of Golden Dawn) demonstrated that we are not born with powers to control—it is not in-built, it must be attained. He attempted to attain a level of destiny control where he would live and exercise the power with impunity in utter disregard for the UGR. His method was to hack into mysteries, rather than earn revelation of mysteries. He revealed in his writings that he could not hack into the mysteries under the control of the CUSTODIANS. He called the barrier, “Silence of the Black brothers”. The custodians predicted what he would violate the UGR if he succeeded in his experiments; the experiments included use of drugs (he extolled what he called the drug fiend), diabolism, rituals that included sacrifice of babies, and sex-perversion as bestiality. It is instructive that his teachings pervade the ritual practices of today!

Other proofs abound as several people move across continents seeking prayers from members of the priesthood. Some have travelled across Nigeria to meet me for prayers. An African president, sometimes referred to as the shortest president, travelled from southeastern Africa to Logos in the west seeking prayers from a priest. Many Americans roam Africa looking for shrines where they can be initiated so they can pray for others. These all point to a fact that not everyone has power to control destiny; hence, they try to seek out those who have to help modify their destiny.

Administrators of the prophecy will judge terrestrial beings that are endowed with reason, according to the UGR. Custodians (that are beyond the universe of administrators and OSAGBAYE) are not susceptible to bribery as those who sacrifice blood are wont to believe. They, being transcendent, are beyond ancestors that require being appeased repeatedly; they are not blackmailers. No one can escape their judgment or trick them. (Remember to visit DESTINY CONTROL Forum)

Guide To Destiny Control Through Praying

December 9, 2012

Praying should be appreciated as attempt at CONTROL. One prays because one desires to effect a change in fortune. To desire to effect a change is to assume control over life, situations, and fortune. Praying is control paraphrased. However, everyone prays; but prayers are seldom met—if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Praying is more than begging or making wishes.

Either you control your destiny, or some person, thing, demons, devils, etc. control it in your stead. That applies also to prayers, namely, either you control the process or someone else does it in your stead—most likely to your disadvantage. Tradition is that success of controlling destiny is possible for those who have the knowledge, craft, wisdom, sorcery, or means. Praying the Oboiro way is control through a combination of all.

Need For Correct Communicator

When one prays the Oboiro way, one is exercising will. Will acts on a universal medium. The medium is transcendent. The will when projected, must go through a communicator though the transcendent medium that carries out will. People fail in achieving objective of praying because they go through the wrong communicator.

One should not pray by begging or employing anyone outside one’s domain to create what one desires. One should not pray by begging or employing anyone outside individual’s domain to create what one desires. We pray by taking four steps, namely,

i. contemplate,
ii. sing the “song that the founders of the world sang”,
iii. will the event that you seek to achieve, as taught in LUP (or at ARUOKUN SESSIONS),
iv. Follow up.

Put this method to the test by trying a specific project. Do not pray as test as if you doubted success. Pray with focused intent from first attempt.

The follow-up stage involves Oboiro-divination, not other forms of divination such as by consulting oracles, soothsayers, prophets, and their likes. Scanning is another name for Oboiro-divination. That means projecting through ARUOKUN, the biogeometric communicator. Hence, prayers will not manifest as destiny control unless you create through decreeing as well as maintaining authority by not handing your prayers over to others.

When you do the correct thing, you will “dream and see visions”; you would have firsthand experiences that will indicate to you, the developments associated with your prayer, as they are unfolding. Feedback from divine intelligence within your internal sanctuary (IntSanct) works this way. If you went to others for help, that would be a violation as you would be opening your IntSanct to invasion. You must project your prayers through the appropriate communicator, namely ARUOKUN Home Version.

Many people who pray nowadays would agree otherwise that their prayers are not being answered. I have read many explanations for prayers not being fulfilled. A solution the priesthood recommends involves the petitioner going through rituals of suffering or self-mutilation. They advise them to pray for various lengths of time while subjecting themselves to various forms of denials—fasting for one day, three days, seven days, forty days, and so on. Some recommend dry fasting while others recommend wet fasting. The problem is not with the extent of suffering or self-denial; rather, their concept, method, and procedure of praying is false.

Praying should be appreciated as attempt at CONTROL. One prays because one desires to effect a change in fortune. This, in other words, means changing the way one’s destiny is unfolding. If one cannot reverse destiny, one can and should influence it to result in desired goals.

List of desires that one sees and hears on TV commercials for “crusades” include finding a life partner, overcoming barrenness, unemployment, and ill health. People pray to pass exams or interviews; robbers, criminals, witchdoctors, and members of the priesthood, together with their maleficent persons and spirits pray to get away with crimes.

Principles Governing Creating Through Praying

You must have authority, resources, and be on correct path. You must establish and maintain authority from start to finish.

Some take lives of animals (including human animals) to gain authority over Gods or demons that they hope will fulfill their prayers. For us, taking lives as part of rituals is ritual murder. We abhor every form of physical violence, especially murder. Murder and physical violence is wrong for reasons given in the eBook–Download here: (LET US PRAY—LUP); they are beyond the scope of a Blog otherwise. Suffice to say here that fundamental divine law forbids taking of life for rituals or worship. It is always counterproductive. If it appears that prayer was being fulfilled after ritual murder, it would be an illusion as the apparent gains soon fade away.

You must be on the correct pathway of development to succeed. The correct path is important, because the fruition of what you want to create takes time and goes through phases on the path. Peace is essential condition for success through praying. You would falter and retrogress otherwise on an incorrect path. Whether your path of development was going in one direction, and the fruition of the creation process in another incompatible direction, the attempted creation will never mature to fruition. Harmony of IntSanct would fail, because essential peace would cease.

Other reason for failure owe to contradictions and confusion on one hand, and the application of false procedure, on the other hand. You must first think clearly by acknowledging the basis of praying. We pray, because we (not others) want to meet our desires; hence, we must keep the whole process under our control. You should not want to create under your control on one hand, while surrendering the process to others on the other hand.

(This blog is based on LET US PRAY Guide To Destiny Control Through Praying–LUP.)


August 6, 2012


We started as FARIKA BODE RAUL PANDR. The organization was later renamed Faboul Cownic Worldwide (FABOUL for short). We are now ARUOKUN COMMUNITY or ADU ARUOKUN. 

ADU ARUOKUN means conduct of ARUOKUN SESSIONS according to revelation. The ARUOKUN COMMUNITY comprises of people who live by the revealed message of ARUOKUN.


Separation of the oceans or OKUN at the beginning of creation, caused emergence of a platform called ARUOKUN. The true interpretation of “ARUOKUN” is OKUN THEATRE or SQUARE (like market square). ARUOKUN theatre or square is where diverse creators (including human beings) communicate with OKUN. Holding of such sessions is called ADU ARUOKUN. Creators control destiny through performance, so do we through PRAYING. The starters of the world carried out the originating creation in ARUOKUN.

ARUOKUN is a channel on Earth to other Universes, through which seekers can tap on Providence OKUN among others. The symbol is a link, a biogeometric communicator that serves that purpose. Being a biogeometric communicator is explained thus: bio means organic, natural, being present in nature independently; being geometric refers to its shape; but for the geometric attributes, it would have been useless as a communicator to most people. People are likely to communicate through it if they can see a form. The form helps focus; this elevates human intellect, psyche, and imagination to receive revelations of mysteries.

Spring, fountain, or well are instances of ARUOKUN in water. Hence, ARUOKUN can be on OKE or Mount, in water, mist, or cloud above the earth, and in biogeometric forms. Every mortal with a divine priestly mission anywhere on Earth, must obtain permission from Olokun, derivative of OKUN, through baptism.

ARUOKUN is revealed on Oke n ‘Anubode (OKE for short) or elsewhere to people in diverse forms—sometimes as a building, sometimes as symbol redolent of sigil, sometimes as city, and sometimes as a bustling market. People hear whispers while in the town of Ughoton-Oke n ‘Anubode, in every season. You do not have to undergo any special training or rituals to experience this. 

ARUOKUN is one of the esoteric names for Oke n ‘Anubode. Its true nature is a mystery revealed only to a few. Erinmwin (an alien or extraterrestrial being) revealed the true name to me first time that I went to Ughoton-Oke n ‘Anubode as The Oboiro. I knew the word ARUOKUN. However, I did not know that a particular place on Earth corresponded to it. I did not know the true location of ARUOKUN, or relationship to either Oke n ‘Anubode or the mysteries.


The goal in ADU ARUOKUN ultimately is Salvation. We work toward Salvation by taking over control of destiny. ARUOKUN Sessions comprise of RAYING that can be broken into parts that include singing “the songs that the founders of the world sang” at the start of the world. All sustain the world by singing this song together and with them; other activities include rehearsals, testimonies about revelations, and narration of true mystical experiences that follow one who “climbs” ARUOKUN–a common experience in ARUOKUN of Ughoton.  

A sign that one was on ARUOKUN, for example, is hearing of whispers (Raunen in German). One hears these always while on ARUOKUN (whether on the visible or invisible plane). General discussions of the communal life of the community are part of extended ARUOKUN SESSIONS; topics include concerns about security, health, wealth, territorial integrity, material, and physical wellbeing.

Origin Of World On Earth

We learn from tradition, folklore, legends, and revelations, that there was a conclave in “heaven” (erinmwin in Bini) by Osa of ORISA. (You may take Osa about to mean God). Many OSA/Osa are in ORISA. They planed the destiny of the world that they wanted to start in AYE (universe that includes the planet Earth). Destiny in this sense is like gravity, for example (everything on the planet is destined to have weight according to law of gravity).  

One of the Osa of ORISA defined in AYE a world, by expansion when they “arrived”.  OSA-GBA-AYE captures this event–meaning OSA gba (extends, defines, captures, or starts) a domain in AYE (universe). This OSA is the Osa that imbued us with power over destiny.

Osa that started OSAGBAYE involved planet Earth and everything surrounding it. OSAGBAYE is everywhere and everything is in it as it is in everything.   The answer to the question, “Where do I exist?” is “I exist in OSAGBAYE.”

 OSAGBAYE is the platform of creation and control through destiny. This point is cardinal. OSAGBAYE is the OSA of destiny. WE inherit from OSA of destiny the powers to make things happen or to have control over destiny.

ANCESTORS (Not ancestors)

Ancestor as a word denotes every parent from which people descended. ANCESTORS (caps) in Practical Metaphysics (PMDC) are primordial parents of humankind who excelled. They lived, died, were reincarnated several times until they completed their experiences on Earth. They lived through the problems and challenges that every human person faces in life. They overcame them all; hence, they know the fundamental problems in human life. More important, they developed solutions to these problems.  

ANCESTORS will not reincarnate again. They instead went to training and rebirth on ARUOKUN in “heaven”. They qualified and joined the rank of beings that supervise the affairs of humankind in OSAGBAYE. They intercede when called on by the living. (See our “Basic Prayers” that goes with supply of ARUOKUN.)

ANCESTORS are provident and benevolent. They do NOT subsist on human diet. They are spiritual or transcendent; as such, they do not have the same appetite as we. We therefore need not offer to them human food and drinks. If you need to make offerings to survive, know that those blood sacrifices are not going to ANCESTORS.

Cont’d Part II



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