Why I Do Not Worship Ancestors (Revised)—Oboiro

Pendant-EdmontonAncestor worship in old days was worship of DEAD ancestors; these were earthbound spirits of the dead. Belief in dead ancestors as deliverers, protectors, defenders, guardian spirits, revealers of mysteries of life or destiny, and sustainers of good health and fortune was normal millennia ago. Worshippers had altars at home where they prayed to their dead ancestors for intercession, deliverance, protection, guidance, and sustenance of wellbeing.

Not Every Dead Qualified To Be Worshipped

Person who died may be biological dead ancestors; however, not every dead person qualified for worship. For examples, worshipping ancestors was a taboo, if the dead fell in categories of spirits of those who committed suicide, those banished or ostracized by community, and people who died as lunatics. Others included people executed for heinous crimes or were dangerous to society.  People did not hold funerals for the last group on the list—their bodies were dumped in “evil forests” or disposed of without funeral ceremonies.

Ancestor worshippers in current times try to break this taboo. Some try to convert, baptize, or cleanse them to reverse the curse they incurred. People also try to deliver, protect, “heal” or save ancestors. Roles and duties between dead ancestors and descendants are now reversed.

Besides, administration of the world has always been by those selected by founders of the world through CUSTODIANS (explained below). Goal is to uphold Divine Master Plan. CUSTODIANSguarantee maintenance of Divine Master Plan. CUSTODIANS coordinate events at this end-time. These are separate and different from dead ancestors. Custodians are beyond the universe of administrators. Hence, they operate according to transcendent laws and principles; one would miss one’s way in the network of evil spinners of destiny if not able to communicate with them. Oracular and other primitive forms of divination do not reach levels of CUSTODIANS as to predict them. They, being transcendent, are beyond ancestors; includes ancestors crooks appease not to prevent or punish evil. They have never been objects of worship.

Founders Of World Select Administrators Of World

Most people are either aware through experience, or are hearing it frequently said that the spiritual world is changing, a spiritual awakening happening on this planet—being cleansed. Humankind is transforming in process of a new spiritual reality. We call it reestablishing Divine Master Plan of OSAGBAYE. (OSAGBAYE literarily means limitless world or absence of limitations, contradictions, and pain; it may also be interpreted to meanthe spiritual Earth, mystical universe of reality, mysteries, life, spirituality, and prosperity). Realigning world with Divine Master Plan, observed as changes occurring, are at behest of CUSTODIANS. They are coordinating the processes worldwide through administrators. Administrators are people they elect, choose, or mark.

Although it is not widely known or acknowledged, aliens (extraterrestrial forms—ETF) founded spiritual world of reality on planet Earth.  They are making their presence increasingly clear by revealing them to people. Number of times their sightings are reported, is far less than the number of occurrences. This does not change the fact they are sighted. They, and not I, will continue to deliver proof of their presence and roles when, and where necessary.

I, the Oboiro, have sighted them frequently as I have reported on my blogs and other writings. (E g WordPress, Destiny Control Forum, and Secrets Of Oboiro) They founded the spiritual world or world of reality that human beings perceive spiritually as consciousness; they are the sources of presence of spirituality of humankind on Earth. They brought agent in a separate reality (ASAGBAYE) for consciousness on Earth. Our earthly biological forebears, brutes then, like other animals of the wild, gained consciousness. Consciousness is transcendent; has no shape or substance; life, death, mortality (or immortality), and incarnation (or reincarnation) do not apply. Legend has it that they separated from humankind or “left”. Founders left administrators behind; these are archetypal ancestors.

We, of ARUOKUN COMMUNE (Aruokun Ancestral Community) acknowledge our consciousness descended from nonmortal ancestry, as does that of normal humankind with consciousness. As we wrote elsewhere, consciousness has no race, including black race. Normal humankind descended (by consciousness) from founders before “fall of man”, or before separation of rebellious group in OSAGBAYE. Neither ETF nor archetypal ancestors they left on Earth, subsists on offerings; they do not revel in worship. They are not vexatious; hence, do not require appeasing. We know of no rites or rituals for their invocation. They appear anywhere on Earth and to whom they choose. They are so common, for example, in Ughoton where OKE (Mount) n Anubode (ARUOKUN) situates in Nigeria, native people have a name for them, namely, “computer people” (CMPTPL). I have no cause to worship these. They protect, defend, and guide those who acknowledge them.

Maleficent Order Of Ancestors (“MalOrCestor”) emerged among dead ancestors. Maleficent Order Of Ancestors is a diabolic cult for subversion with headquarters in West Africa. They belong to “Gods and ancestors”. Their mission is to subvert control capabilities of human race with extra focus on black race. Their activities are worldwide, concentrating on Africans and their descendants. They try to destabilize every actor who lives according to Divine Master Plan. They manifest their nature through gods, ancestors, and priesthood everywhere on Earth.

They own Vlekete and similar shrines in West Africa and worldwide. These shrines served to brainwash and transform slaves into brutes before shipment. They recruit members or victims through mundane initiations (before and after transatlantic slave trade). SPRA (Spiritual, Psychic, and Ritual Abuse) is essence of initiation. They are ancestral predators. MalOrCestor and others (racist demagogues and spinners of evil destinies) aligned with them are from whom we are delivered by DELIVERERS. To worship or appease these or those aligned with them would be succumbing to blackmail or terrorism. Succumb to blackmailer once, and you become spiritual and ritual slave forever.

New Dynasty Of The Delivered

We are now at beginning of a dynasty; advent of Oboiro in Nigeria is part of it.  (See Ancestral Curses-Deliverance) “Oboiro” exists in other parts of the world; people give those titles according to prevailing traditions. The Oboiro is one of coworkers with ETF at twilight of reestablishing Divine Master Plan.

Ancestor worship is never without sacrifices. Demand for blood of appeasement is proof that ancestors people worship are not administrators of the world as selected by CUSTODIANS to maintain Master Plan.

We are protected against ancestral curses, ritual slavery, and demagogues of black consciousness. Our protectors are nonmortal. They deliver also; hence, we will remain after end of world of dead ancestors.

Do those who protect me protect you? Are you worshipping in error those from whom world is being delivered?

To Hell with Heaven, because I will exit through ARUOKUN when my physical body dies. The delivered do not face choice between paradise and Hell. (See Dahra Hargaalga Snr., “Take Over Control Without Physical Violence” (TOC) Salvation (Life, Judgment, Death, Execution – Four Stations) Chapter Eleven) available at here

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